Sunday, June 27, 2021



Real Name: Charlie Cluster-7
First Appearance: New X-Men (Vol. 1) #128, August 2002

Powers: Charlie Cluster-7 was created within the Weapon Plus Program's time-variant experimental laboratory, the World, to become Weapon XIII. He was created to fulfill a particular archetype as a "stylish stealth fighter" for the intended team of Super-Sentinels, mutant hunters who won the public affection while eliminating mutantkind at the same time. Charlie Cluster-7 escaped from Weapon Plus and established his own identity as Jean-Philippe Charles, the French international jewel thief called Fantomex.

Fantomex has a nano-cybernetic and genetically-engineered physiology that gives him enhanced levels of strength, speed, agility, endurance, reflexes, and recuperative powers. His senses are extra-keen to a certain degree, making him an excellent marksman and capable of hearing ranges of sound above and below human detection. Fantomex possesses nano-active blood that protects him from various pathogens and multiple independently processing minds which increase his cognitive abilities, letting him think several different streams of thought at once. He has an intuitive ability to recognize and interpret body language and visual cues. This allows Fantomex to instantly identify shape-shifters like Mystique regardless of their current form, and effectively predict the mood and intentions of other people through simple observation. He has an elaborate power of "misdirection", letting him plant thoughts in the minds of other people. This allows him to give people ideas which they instantly accept as uncontested truth, such as when he convinced War to fall in love with Psylocke. Frequently, his misdirection power is used to create illusions, disguising his appearance or the appearances of others, and making his victims perceive radically different versions of perceptual reality than what is actually taking place around them.

Although he was designed with multiple brains for parallel processing, Fantomex's most notable (and radical) mutation is his detachable nervous system. He can expel a tiny flying saucer from his throat cavity, which rapidly grows to full size. Known as EVA, the saucer is somehow the external representation of Fantomex's nervous system. When EVA is separated from his body, Fantomex cannot experience pain or suffer under neurological assaults. EVA is guided by a self-motivated consciousness which is a feminized extension of Fantomex's own mind. Fantomex and EVA can communicate telepathically over a distance with one another. Fantomex can also plug into EVA during flight to directly guide her movements. EVA's bio-mechanical construction allows her to modify herself to create a variety of features, including supersonic flight, space travel, vertical take-off and landing capabilities, retractable landing struts and entrance ramps, bio-laser weapons, ranged scanning and audio-video display equipment, and seating for at least five people. EVA has shielding to protect herself from harm, and self-repair capabilities to regenerate her structure when damaged. A sufficient amount of damage on EVA can feedback on Fantomex, however, causing him to experience sympathetic pain and pass out. If EVA is significantly damaged and goes off-line, Fantomex can continue to function using a redundant secondary nervous system within his own body. This back-up system is not as effective as a regular nervous system, however, particularly, he is rendered colorblind when relying on the back-up.

Fantomex relies on different kinds of special equipment, depending on his mission. He often employs ceramic plating in his mask designed to prevent telepaths from reading or manipulating his thoughts. He has used special mutant-killing bullets, created in part of James Braddock Sr. using the sentient skin of a mutant named Pizer.

Fantomex was killed when the Skinless Man ripped out his heart. He was cloned and reborn at the White Sky Facility, but his three brains were separated into three different bodies, as Fantomex, Weapon XIII, and Cluster. Fantomex resembled the original Fantomex; Weapon XIII (or “Jean-Philippe”) also resembled the original Fantomex, but dressed in black; Cluster is a female Fantomex. Fantomex retained access to EVA, but the misdirection power rested with Weapon XIII. How his other abilities may be divided is unknown. Fantomex eventually developed mental instability with his brains separated as they were. EVA, as his "maintenance program", was amorally pragmatic in helping him repair himself, and only ended up driving him to further insanity. He was later cured, but what exactly became of EVA, Cluster, and Weapon XIII is unrevealed.

Fantomex's mind was later cast into the astral plane. While there, a disembodied Charles Xavier convinced Fantomex to trade places with him. This allowed Xavier to rewrite the nano-technology in Fantomex's body to make it a young duplicate of his original form, reborn in corporeal form as "X". Fantomex’s final fate remains uncertain.




Real Name: Adam Berman
First Appearance: X-Men Unlimited (Vol. 1) #16, September 1997

Powers: Primal possesses the mutant ability to convert himself into an enhanced human-reptile form at will. He gains height and muscle mass, plus reptilian characteristics. He gains superhuman strength (around Class 10), agility, speed, and endurance, and stands nearly 50% taller.

When he transforms, the R-complex of Primal's brain (the most primitive region of the human brain containing the most bestial drives) sometimes overtakes his cerebellum, causing Primal's' mind to become progressively inhuman. He also possesses a razor-sharp teeth set in his muscular jaw and razor-sharp claws and each finger. Even in his human form, Primal's eyes glow red, and he hides this beneath his sunglasses. Using his reptilian form causes extreme dehydration upon his return to normal. He also forcibly reverts to normal when rendered unconscious.




Real Names: Adrian Corbo (Flex); Jared Corbo (Radius)
First Appearance: Alpha Flight: In The Beginning (Vol. 1) #1, July 1997

Powers: Flex has the mutant power to morph portions of his body into organic metal. He demonstrated two different forms of this transformation, by either flattening out his body or actually altering the shape of his body. Initially, Flex performed the latter: Morphing his hands from about just above the wrist into paper-thin and razor sharp blades resembling cleavers. More than likely, he was compressing his mass in this process to make the blades incredibly durable. Similarly, Flex would also morph his shins, compressing the area between his knees and his ankles into a thin sheet of metal as well. Eventually, Flex's powers changed significantly He can flatten his body into the sheet metal state, but not compress his mass at the same time. Instead, his body expands into a larger length and width while loosing its depth. When morphed like this, Flex has large hands that could be swatted at an opponent, and could use his floppy metal body to cover and protect people and objects.

Radius’ mutant power is that his body constantly projects a thin but impenetrable layer of force around it. This field makes him virtually invulnerable, and allows air to pass through so that he can breathe, but prevents him from eating directly. Radius must strap a device resembling a surgical mask over his face in order to get food through his field and eat. He can mentally expand and alter the shape of his field to some degree. Radius can thus repel people and objects close to him, reshape his field into an incline so it acts as a solid ramp, and form a giant set of "clappers" around his hands and swing them together to hit an enemy in front of him.




Members: Greystone (Devlin Greystone); Archer; and Fixx
First Appearance: X-Factor (Vol. 1) #140, December 1997

History/Powers: Native to the future of the alternate reality of Earth-1191, the Xavier Underground Enforcers were a rogue, unsanctioned group comprised of former operatives of the X.S.E. (Xavier Security Enforcers).

Greystone is a mutant capable of expanding his mass, increasing in height, weight, strength, and durability in the process. The larger he becomes, the more his physical characteristics and facial features are distorted by the process, making him extremely odd-looking and virtually unrecognizable.

Archer has the mutant ability to transform himself into a photoelectric energy form. He wears a helmet and full-body suit whenever he is transformed, and it may be necessary to contain his energies. Archer can focus his bodily energy into volatile lances of force beamed out from ports on his suit, like the back of his hand or his elbows. He also uses a cane/staff weapon capable of conducting his power into taser-like charges that incapacitate his opponents on contact.

Fixx manifests mutant telepathy and telekinesis through the projection of psionic sprites. These sprites are little energy constructs that resemble tiny fairies with wings. By projecting a fast-flying stream of these sprites, she can hit an opponent or obstacle with solid impact, or she can throw a few thousand sprites into someone's path, creating a living wall that blocks their progress. Directing enough of the fairies to grab something or slip underneath it allows her to lift objects from a distance and cause the sprites to carry it about wherever she chooses. In terms of telepathic application, Fixx can use her sprites as spies and messengers, sending them out at the speed of thought to any location she wishes and enabling her to experience everything the sprite "sees" and "hears" there. If she wishes to communicate with someone, she composes a mental message and sends out a sprite like a carrier pigeon, seeking out the person she wants and entering their mental space, releasing the thought she sent directly into their mind. Anyone who absorbs a thought-sprite in this manner becomes psychically linked to Fixx, enabling her to pinpoint their location any time she wishes.




Real Name: Cecilia Reyes
First Appearance: X-Men (Vol. 2) #65, June 1997

Powers: Dr. Cecilia Reyes’ mutant ability generates a psio-plasmic bio-field. This field constantly surrounds her body at every given moment, completely invisible, and only takes on a glass-like translucency when subconsciously activated by a threat. The field reacts to kinetic impact, energy signatures, certain psionic forces, temperature changes, etc. The bio-field is an extension of Cecilia’s body, and so she feels the attack as its effect is dispersed over the field. Her power is subconscious, meaning it protects her from harm whether she wants it to or not, or is aware of the harm or not. However, the field would not activate for threats it did not register (back when the power was purely instinctive). For instance, Cecilia might know touching fire is dangerous, but her field would not automatically protect her from contact with it.

It’s unknown if the field has any kind of “learning capacity” that registers when a new sort of threat bypasses its protection. Cecilia has also learned how to manifest the field at will, as a weapon. Surrounding her fists with psio-plasmic force can increase the bludgeoning power behind her punches, she can extend razor pointed spikes from the field, expel the field outward in a hammer-like ram, etc.

Dr. Cecilia Reyes holds an M.D. and has extensive medical knowledge. She is a trained medical practitioner and a skilled trauma surgeon.




Real Name: Kyle Barker
First Appearance: Doc Samson (Vol. 1) #1, January 1996

Powers: Kyle Barker was a student at Empire State University where he worked as an imaging intern on a magazine looking to photograph the perfect woman. An accidental exposure to a gamma particle accelerator transformed him into a monstrous demonic creature calling himself ‘Patchwork’. Like other gamma-mutated humans before him, Barker had some unknown genetic factor in his body that saved him from being killed by a great dose of gamma radiation. Instead, the radiation had an immediate mutagenic effect upon him.

Patchwork has a troll-like appearance, complete with razor sharp teeth and claws. He possesses a baseline Class 70 strength, superhuman stamina, and was virtually impervious to physical impact, injury, temperature and radiation extremes, etc. He could generate shockwaves by clapping his hands together and leap over a mile with his powerful leg muscles. If injured in some way, Patchwork also has a healing factor that rapidly restored his body. Patchwork has the added ability to siphon gamma ray energy, and if he comes into contact with a gamma powered individual, Patchwork can drain them of their strength and power and add it to his own.

It's also noteworthy to mention that in comparing the mutated forms of gamma-irradiated subjects such as the Hulk, the Abomination, Doc Samson, the She-Hulk, Patchwork, and the Leader, different frequencies of gamma radiation affect different human beings in different ways. The effect that intensive gamma radiation has on most people is cellular deterioration and eventual death, but there are others whose genetic constitution enables them to mutate so as to gain superhuman powers. The type and extent of mutation is determined by four factors: The frequency of the gamma rays, the amount of the gamma rays, the subject's latent potential for mutation, and the subject's psychological make-up. The subject's potential for mutation is dictated by certain mysterious "interstitial" segments of DNA (DeoxyriboNucleic Acid), the molecules which carry a living organism's genetic code. Under the action of mutagenic influences, such as gamma rays, the segments can trigger many body wide restructuring events. As for the subject's psychological make-up, it has been theorized that the gamma radiation somehow acts to mold the subject's mutated form according to repressed desires within his subconscious.

In Kyle Barker's case, his gamma mutated form is the physical embodiment of his own self-loathing stemming from an abusive childhood and repressed feelings about how women perceive him.




Real Name: Inapplicable
First Appearance: X-Men (Vol. 2) #53, June 1996

Powers: Onslaught is a composite psionic entity spawned out of portions of Charles Xavier and Magneto's minds. Initially, "he" existed only as a second personality within Professor X's mind, capable of influencing his actions and actually possessing their shared body at times. After Nate Grey pulled Xavier's astral form into the physical plane, however, Onslaught learned how to manifest itself tangible as a living psi-armor (though this doesn't really explain how he battled Juggernaut and assaulted Blaquesmith's yacht beforehand).

As living psi-armor, Onslaught initially manifested himself around his host, Charles Xavier, but later operated independently of an organic body. Composed out of tangible psionic energy, Onslaught was capable of increasing the physical size, strength, and durability of his armored form at will and, after separating from Xavier, morph his physical appearance to look like whatever he wished. He possessed telepathic, telekinetic, and electromagnetic powers on a grand scale, as well as the ability to assimilate other sources of mutant power into himself at will. Not only did this make him virtually immune to assault by other mutants, but it also enabled him to amplify his power dramatically by incorporating Nate Grey and Franklin Richards into his "self", physically encaging them within the dimension of his own mind to feed off of them. He began manifesting reality-altering powers to tremendous degree as his personal evolution continued.




Real Name: Gloria Dolores Muñoz
First Appearance: X-Force (Vol. 1) #51, February 1996

Powers: Risqué had the mutant ability to create localized gravity fields that affect inorganic matter. The most common application of her power was to create a gravitonic charge within the center of an object, creating an irresistible inward pull that causes the object to geometrically collapse and compress in on itself. Compression in this manner can cause the floor to give way beneath an opponent, or snap the chain supporting a chandelier so that it falls on her victim.

Often, Risqué used her power to compress a large object down into a small, ultra-dense mass, roughly the size of a baseball. She can then use a vectored gravity effect to hurl the hyper-dense sphere at a target, striking them with immense force and impact. This ability to send objects flying off at her command suggests a greater range of gravity manipulation than mere compression, but what else her powers might have allowed her to do was never explored.

This implosion manifested as either a concussive force or seeming disintegration. Despite the object's change in size, it still maintained its original mass.




Real Name: Trevor Tyler Chase
First Appearance: X-Factor (Vol. 1) #127, October 1996

Powers: Trevor Chase possessed the mutant ability to manipulate and alter reality with a thought. In the few instances in which he used his power, he was seen to cause space to warp inwards around him and monitor X-Factor through a video game console he was playing.




Real Name: Kevin Tremain
First Appearance: X-Men (Vol. 2) #50, March 1996

Powers: A former operative for the Central Intelligence Agency, Kevin Tremain's mutant genes granted him blue skin and an increased musculature that gave him augmented strength, agility, endurance, reaction time, and durability. His mutation also includes a highly analytical acumen allowing him to mentally calculate vastly large mathematical probabilities, outpacing most super computers. He could use this power to compute vectors, target trajectories, override computer locks and programs, etc.

Receiving a blood transfusion from Cable left him with a sample of the techno-organic virus in his system. This transfusion is what later allowed Onslaught to transform him into the cybernetic powerhouse called "Post" and more effectively interact with the suit of power pods later provided for him by Onslaught. Each pod may have only resembled a featureless stone, but were actually highly intricate circuitry. Many of them formed into a pair of trunks, boots, gloves, and headgear. The rest tended to hover around him, acting as sensory units that recorded audio, visual, energy-based and mutagenic signatures on various wavelengths, giving his analytical power vast amounts of information to cogitate on. He could combine and reconfigure groups of power pods into floating plasma blasters, a cloaking device built onto his chest plates that rendered him invisible, and possibly teleportation abilities as well. Furthermore, he could use the data he gathers on a target or another mutant to conceive of anti-personal weapons to counter someone's natural abilities.




Real Name: Elisabeth Guthrie
First Appearance: Factor-X (Vol. 1) #1, March 1995

Powers: Amazon is a megamorph with the mutant power to geometrically increase her proportionate body mass to grow in size, strength, and resilience and then returning to normal proportions at will.
*Amazon is the Earth-295 (Age of Apocalypse) counterpart of the Earth-616 Elisabeth Guthrie, who has yet to manifest any mutant powers and first appeared in The New Mutants (Vol. 1) #42, August 1986.




Real Name: Unrevealed
First Appearance: X-Calibre (Vol. 1) #1, March 1995

Powers: Switchback has the mutant ability to reverse her own personal timeframe, effectively reverting her body back to whatever state of being or position she was in 10 seconds previously. If she had moved in the last 10 seconds, she would "time-slide" back to the location she was in at that point. If she were attacked in some way (poisoned, injured, possessed, etc.), she could undo the effect with her power.




Real Name: Unrevealed
First Appearance: X-Men: Prime (Vol. 1) #1, July 1995

Powers: Blaquesmith’s mutation consisted of bulbous eyes, an ungainly frame, and yellowish skin. His mutant abilities included enhanced agility and reflexes, despite his awkward appearance and advanced age. He possessed an intuitive understanding of machinery that may have represented a passive ability. He was highly skilled at operating all known forms of technology, and could construct new devices with considerable speed and skill.

He demonstrated various mental mutant powers of telepathy and telekinesis, giving him psychic communication, memory-altering, illusion-casting, mind-reading, levitation, and the projection of psionic force or force fields. He could also manipulate time, freezing people or objects in mid-motion or casting them across centuries or millennia of time.




Real Name: Vincente Cimetta
First Appearance: Generation Next (Vol. 1) #1, March 1995

Powers: Vincente was a mutant with the power to alter the physical state of his body, converting from a solid to a liquid or gas at will. His gaseous state displayed toxic properties, rendering people unconscious or causing them to become delirious and faint. He could also bond his molecules with whatever compound or element he touches, becoming one with it while both adapting duplicating its physical properties. He once adapted the properties of dirt, for instance.

*This is Vincente from Earth-295 (aka "The Age of Apocalypse"). His Earth-616 counterpart appeared later in Generation X (Vol. 1) #12, February 1996.




Real Name: Joseph
First Appearance: X-Men (Vol. 2) #46, November 1995

Powers: Joseph is a perfect mental and genetic clone of Magneto. He was created by Astra and modified to be at a younger age than his template, and without the self-imposed limits Magneto had placed on his mutant powers.

He possessed an increased electrolyte flow and bio-magnetic field attuned to the same frequency as the Earth's electromagnetic field, allowing him total control over all forms of magnetic force. He could use it to levitate, propel and reshape all metal objects, generate heat and electricity off of metallic substances, produce magnetic force fields and blasts, and absorb cold and electricity to supercharge his powers. He could also manipulate blood flow to the brain to cause aneurysms or unconsciousness, as well as manipulate magnetic currents to gain total control over the electromagnetic spectrum.




Real Name: Unknown
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 1) #299, April 1993 (as Pamela Greenwood); X-Factor (Vol. 1) #112, July 1995 (as Fatale)

Powers: Fatale is a mutant and has a number of different and varied powers, many of which may come from genetic engineering the Dark Beast performed on her. She can bend light, space and form around herself, giving her the ability to become invisible at will, fading into the background. She can also teleport, either by disappearing in a burst of energy or generating a portal through which she or other people and objects can travel.

Fatale is capable of altering her physical appearance to mimic other human forms, but whether this is a form of illusion-casting or shape-changing is unclear. In addition, she uses handheld and gauntlet mounted plasma weapons, and a retractable spike that extends from her sleeve, tipped with a fast-acting narcotic drug.




Real Name: Diamonda LaSalle
First Appearance: X-Men 2099 (Vol. 1) #22, July 1995

Powers: Sham was born with the mutant power to manipulate ambient photons and sound particles. She is able to produce audio-visual simulations which fool the senses of other living beings. She can create the appearance of invisibility, or alter her appearance with an image-shape over her features. She can also generate monstrous looking creatures out of thin air to surprise and torment her opponents, or make tendrils appear to break out from the ground and assault people.




Real Name: Unknown
First Appearance: Generation X (Vol. 1) #5, July 1995

Powers: Hemingway’s mutant ability is a series of exoskeletal enhancements which give him a massive body with a bone-like exo-structure covering most of his skin.

Because of this, he possesses Superhuman Class 50 strength and superhuman resistance to all manner of physical harm. He also has bone tusks extending from his arms and on his backside as extremely sharp razor-pointed spikes or bone bludgeons. On one occasion, he apparently demonstrated the ability to increase in size and mass proportionately.




Real Name: Unrevealed
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 1) #323, August 1995

Powers: Vessel possesses the mutant power to siphon physical and psychic residue from the recently deceased. When in close proximity to the deceased, he is able to absorb their decaying flesh into his own, expanding his overall mass and with it his physical strength, size, endurance, and reflexes as well.

He also drains off a portion of a corpse's psychic residue, a piece of their soul. Why he does this is unspecified, though quite possibly he needs his victims’ spiritual essence in order to make their physical remains work with his mass properly. He is physically vulnerable to discorporation, as a sufficient amount of energy can break his connection to the living residue he accumulates. Even so, he can be reduced to little more than a blob of animated tissue, and will eventually reconstitute himself back into human form.




Real Name: Unknown
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 1) #323, August 1995

Powers: Sack is primarily composed of loose protoplasm wrapped around a pliant bone structure. He is impervious to many forms of harm, as he has no conventional sense of pain, bullets or other projectiles can pass into or through his body without damaging anything, and the holes regenerate in seconds.

His mutant power is the ability to assume control of another person by oozing over their body. Relaxing his humanoid shape, Sack becomes a living gel that seeps into his victim's pores and forms a loose film over their skin. This process dampens neurological and psychic activity as it begins, making it harder for the victim to think or fight back against him. Once he fully locks into his host body, Sack is able to completely direct their actions and movements. His host bodies tend to be dead after he discards them, suggesting his gel is either air-tight (preventing them from properly breathing while infused with him) or causes some form of neurological impairment that kills them as a by-product of the process.



MORPH (AOA Version)

Real Name: Kevin Sidney
First Appearance: X-Men: Alpha (Vol. 1) #1, February 1995

Powers: Morph is an omnimorphic mutant shape-shifter. Unlike metamorphs, Morph is capable of transforming into nonhuman shapes, and can alter his internal organs and structure without causing himself harm. Morph's body defaults into a gray, rubbery state with no nose or distinguishable facial features. He has no scent, and can use his morphing abilities to heal broken or damaged portions of his body, even reattaching severed pieces on contact. Morph can stretch his body, extending his waist or limbs or whatever to many times their normal length. The unstable molecules of his body can be shaped into any sort of shape, clothing, or object he can imagine. Morph can dress himself in whatever clothes he can visualize and form various other objects as extensions of his mass, like a football, a length of chain, road signs, etc.

Though he cannot permanently separate himself from large portions of his mass without handicapping himself, Morph can separate his main body from these "clothes" or "objects" without injury, and a finite self-regeneration capacity even allows him to leave relatively small amounts of mass behind without having to worry about "pulling himself together". As a shape changer, Morph is capable of perfectly duplicating any human features he has seen or can imagine. Like many metamorphs, Morph seems to have an instinctual psionic ability to scan someone in his presence so that when he morphs into them, he is completely identical to them down to the fingerprints and retina patterns. Besides human forms, Morph has also been capable of transforming himself into animals of various sizes and shapes, and into inanimate objects like a broom or a sheet of wall.

*Morph's counterpart in the 616 universe is the Changeling. Morph 616 was a different character and a member of the First Line. The Morph who served as a founding member of the Exiles was the Earth-1081 counterpart.



ABYSS (AOA Version)

Real Name: Nils Styger
First Appearance: X-Men: Alpha (Vol. 1) #1, February 1995

Powers: Abyss’s mutation allows him to transform the substance of his entire body so that it unravels as elastic coils of high-tensile strength material. The wrappings stretch out as they unravel, giving him an extended reach and can be used to entangle and constrict around people and objects from a distance. This also completely changes the way his body can be harmed, for any sort of physical force directed at him merely causes his coils to flex with the impact and shoot back into place unharmed. Virtually his entire body can unravel like this, from his limbs all the way down to his tongue.

His internal structure houses an extra-dimensional void that he can swallow objects into. If he draws people into himself, they experience tremendous psychic anguish and torture for as long as he keeps them there. Abyss has also demonstrated certain additional mutant abilities. He has empathic powers allowing him to sense the emotions of other people within his vicinity. By placing someone into his void, Abyss could amplify and broadcast their fear and terror as psionic tremors, radiating negative empathic energy for miles around, sending people into intense emotional turmoil. He may also have been capable of producing psychoplasmic visual images in thin air.

*This is Abyss from Earth-295 (aka "The Age of Apocalypse"). His Earth-616 counterpart first appeared later in Cable (Vol. 1) #40, February 1997.



Real Name: Peter Paul Wisdom
First Appearance: Excalibur (Vol. 1) #86, February 1995

Powers: Pete Wisdom possesses the mutant ability to generate “hot knives”, razor-edged blades of intense thermal-plasmic energy with temperatures exceeding that of the sun's core (approximately 15,700,000° Celsius / 28,260,000° Fahrenheit). When fired, the hot knives travel at incredible speeds and are capable of piercing just about anything short of Adamantium, including Colossus' organic steel body.

Though normally the size of a standard knife blade, Wisdom can manifest a hot knife of much larger diameter if he concentrates. He can cause the hot knives to materialize around his body, hovering in mid-air over his shoulders until he chooses to send them flying out, or make them sprout from his fingers as if they were talons. He can manifest a small cluster of hot knives in the air in front of him as a shield which incinerates projectile attacks to protect him from harm, and can survive jumps from great heights by using the heat generated by the hot knives as a thermal buoy, lowering him more-or-less gently to the ground.

Having trained with the Special Air Service (SAS), Pete is an excellent hand-to-Hans fighter and excellent shot, as well as being a master strategist unencumbered by any sense of fair play.




Real Names: Regan Wyngarde (Lady Mastermind) & Martinique Jason (Mastermind II)
First Appearances: X-Treme X-Men (Vol. 1) #6, December 2001 (Regan); Gambit/Wolverine: Victims (Vol. 1) #1, September 1995 (Martinique)

Powers: Lady Mastermind (left) and Mastermind II (right) are both mutants and paternal half-sisters. They're the daughters of Jason Wyngarde, the mutant illusionist known as Mastermind. They both possess the same mutant power with the same area of skill: Telepathy with a specialization in illusion casting.

They're capable of probing the minds of other people and interacting with them on an astral plane. They can force various kinds of afflictions onto other minds, such as pain, unconsciousness, catatonia, nightmares, infantile regression, etc. Their ability to stimulate responses such as these combines with their illusions to make them seem more real. They can use their powers to appear invisible, disguise their physical appearance and those of other people, or the entire landscape. They can create interactive illusions which completely redefine how someone sees and interacts with their surroundings.

Their telepathy also enables them to condition people so that they don't question the sudden appearances or changes in circumstances caused by their power, even if they seem so fantastic that someone would logically recognize them as not real (especially someone aware of who they're facing). They can also sense other forms of illusion-casting and disperse them, either to their senses or to those of others. Their minds are also innately and highly resistant to hypnosis and other forms of outside suggestion.




Real Name: Christopher Bradley
First Appearance: X-Men Unlimited (Vol. 1) #8, October 1995

Powers: Bolt possesses the mutant power to absorb ambient charges of static electricity in his environment and from the atmosphere. Typically, Chris’ body harmlessly expended this energy, however, he was able to store and release it for a variety of effects:

He could produce electricity within his body and generate it outwards through his skin. He could create an electrified aura that distorted his facial features and shocked anyone who came into physical contact with him. Bolt could cause his electricity to be discharged from any area of his body, but normally directed it as blasts from his hands. He could channel electrical energy through conductive material, forming protective shields or generating electric arcs. Bolt could also siphon energy from electricity-generating sources to empower himself.

Chris was extensively trained in armed and unarmed combat by Cable and was a skilled, albeit brutal, interrogator. After immersing himself in the persona and name of the mutant mercenary known as Maverick, Chris wore a suit of lightweight Kevlar body armor as well as a mask with atmospheric seals. Though he wielded a pair of conventional handguns, he favored using his powers to generate concussive force blasts.




Real Name: Rina Patel
First Appearance: The New Warriors (Vol. 1) #59, May 1995

Powers: Timeslip has the mutant power to travel to the past or future by psionically exchanging places with her other self's mind in that other time period. Thus, she can possess her own body from when she was eight years old, while sending the mind of her younger self into the future to possess her adult body. This has given her a limited form of working precognition, where she can receive glimpses of things she is destined to see in the future. Timeslip can also shift herself into a faster moving timeframe, giving her senses the impression that everything around her has slowed to a crawl. This enables her to run, move, and react at what appear to be superhuman speeds to everyone else. Timeslip's powers also give her chronal sensitivity, enabling her to detect when alterations are done to the timeline, and recall events that have been undone by temporal manipulation. She is also immune to directed temporal attacks, like someone attempting to age her to the point of death.