Tuesday, January 5, 2021




Real Name: Ahmet Abdol
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 1) #54, March 1969

Powers: Dr. Ahmet Abdol was born with the mutant ability to absorb cosmic energy and convert it into force blasts which he could discharge at will. However, the moderate level of his natural powers were given dramatically higher potential after Apocalypse and Mr. Sinister altered his genetic code in order to link the output of his mutation to that of Alex Summers (Havok). Though active long before Alex's powers first developed, Abdol lost his abilities completely once Alex's mutant abilities manifested. By placing Havok in a special chamber designed to block him from accessing the cosmic energy that fueled his power, though, Abdol could access the full range of his powers and mutate into his second form, the Living Monolith. He would revert back to being powerless if Alex was somehow freed from the chamber, and the cosmic energy thus diverted from the Abdol's body. He would later discover that force-feeding massive amounts of cosmic energy from another source could transform him even without involving Alex Summers in the process.

It was discovered that after Abdol absorbed a certain level of energy, even disabling the source of his transformation would not stop him anymore. It was after this he left Earth for a time to become a Living Planet, only to eventually be brought back by Apocalypse and returned to normal proportions. Since Havok was in the Mutant X reality during that time, he remained powered, but it remains unclear as to exactly what will happen to him since Havok's return.

As the Living Pharoah, Abdol is capable of absorbing ambient cosmic energy from his environment (x-rays, gamma rays, star light, background radiation, etc), and converting it into active discharges of energy. He can produce blistering levels of heat, high-impact concussive force blasts, and even solid walls of sonic vibrations which can deflect physical attacks. Absorbing cosmic energy uninterrupted allowed him to access the full range of his powers and mutate into his second form, the Living Monolith. Once triggered, the Pharoah's body would begin growing in size, take on a gray stony visage, and his eyes and mouth would glow with internal energy. The longer he remained as the Monolith, he would continue soaking up cosmic energy at a geometrically increasing rate, growing to over 100' tall, possessing Class 150 strength, becoming virtually impervious to all manner of attack, and possessing cosmic energy blasts capable of leveling an entire city block.

Ahmet Abdol is a gifted intellect who holds a Ph.D. in archaeology. He is an expert archaeologist and Egyptologist, and also an advanced student of genealogy, human mutation, and the effects of cosmic radiation.

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