Saturday, January 2, 2021




Real Name: Alexander Summers
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 1) #54, March 1969

Powers: Havok’s mutant power is that his body constantly absorbs ambient cosmic energy (ambient stellar radiation, x-rays, and even gamma rays) into his body and stores it within special enclaves in his body cells. He can then release that energy as waves of force that heat the air in its path, turning it into plasma, the super-heated state of matter. This energy radiates out from his chest as concentric rings that expand larger and larger as he powers up. In discharging a plasma blast, he normally focuses it along his arms and out from his fists, but can in fact cause the rings to angle and discharge out in any direction from his body.

His plasma blasts instantly raise the temperature of whatever they strike thousands of degrees, and this sudden shift in thermal energy causes most objects to violently explode or simply disintegrate. Havok has learned how to divert the impact of his plasma blasts so that they only displace the air in his path, causing concussive shockwaves which are still effective in battle but far less lethal than turning a direct plasma blast on a living being.

Originally, Havok could not control his power and wore a suit that monitored and regulated his energy output. Eventually, he overcame this difficulty though training. Havok is also immune to the optic blasts of his brother, Cyclops, the biochemical energy blasts of his younger maternal half-brother, X-Treme, and vice-versa.

Alex Summers holds a masters degree in geophysics with some doctoral work completed. He is also an instinctive tactician and strategist.

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