Saturday, January 9, 2021




Real Name: Mikhail Nikolievitch Rasputin
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 1) #285, February 1992

Powers: Mikhail Rasputin was born with the mutant power to manipulate all manner of energy. He can access existing sources of energy and wield them as if they were his own.

Examples of this include when Charles Xavier created a telepathic psi-link with Callisto, Mikhail forcibly imposed himself on the link to perceive the same memories Xavier did from Callisto's mind. He overrode Jean Grey's telekinetic abilities to gather the X-Men and psionically cast them out of the Morlock Tunnels. He also harnessed the energy-based abilities of other Morlocks to produce a teleportation beam, incinerating discharges, etc. He could also manipulate the void portal that connected Earth to the other-dimensional realm he was banished to for a decade, opening or closing the rift, manipulating its energies to allow safe passage, and so on. He similarly gained control over the transfer effect between Earth and the dimension called The Hill. Mikhail can direct various energy effects through his body, indicating that his power allowed him to biologically replicate the energy signatures he was exposed to, generating them from within through his own mutant power. He is capable of retaining new energy signatures and effects for extended periods of time, potentially permanently after his first exposure.

Mikhail's most frequent use of his energy manipulation power is matter control, the ability to directly influence matter on a molecular level, transmuting it into different states and shapes. He once manipulated Iceman's body extensively, changing him from a human covered in an icy shell into water, solid ice, shattering him into pieces, and then reassembling them back into human form. He also forcibly fused a young cyclist into a tree, mingling their molecules and effectively killing the boy in the process. He can presumably alter the state of any matter from solid, liquid, gas and back again. He also appears capable of separating matter into smaller components and then reassembling them, but Mikhail's power seems to require an existing massive structure to work with.

Mikhail Rasputin was a colonel in the Soviet space program and a cosmonaut trained by a human spaceflight program to command, pilot, or serve as a crew member of a spacecraft.

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