Tuesday, January 5, 2021




Real Name: Lawrence Trask
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 1) #57, June 1969

Powers: Larry Trask was a mutant with the power of clairvoyance. He could perceive objects, people, and future events without the use of his physical senses. His power usually manifested as him experiencing sudden visions of the future. He wore a medallion around his neck that was shaped and designed in such a manner to supress his powers and the ability of others to detect his powers via Cerebro, Sentinel tech, and so on.

Larry Trask is also the creator of the Mark II Sentinels. An improvement on the original Sentinel designs of his father, Dr. Bolivar Trask, the Mark II Sentinels possessed greater strength and durability, capture features such as sleep gas, weighted metal nets, and restricting metal coils, x-ray visi-probes for detecting inner workings and hidden power sources, and hyper-adaptability protocols enabling them to alter their combat parameters and weaponry as necessary to face any newly identified threat.

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