Wednesday, July 28, 2021




Real Name: Unknown
First Appearance: X-Men: Legacy (Vol. 1) #300, May 2014

Powers: Forget-Me-Not's mutant power generates a psionic mnemonic field. This field edits him from the memories of everyone around him when he is not being directly perceived. His power makes him imperceptible to people and telepathy and also interferes with individuals' aim and the targeting telemetry of mechanical devices.




Real Name: Aldrif Odinsdottir
First Appearance: Age of Ultron (Vol. 1) #10, August 2013

Powers: Angela is the daughter of the All-Father Odin. As a result, she is more than three times stronger than even a regular Asgardian. Her body is composed of carbon matter many times denser and heavier than a normal human being, and further enhanced magically by the power inherited from her father. Combined with the Asgardian magic inherent to her life force, she possesses Class 100 strength, superhuman endurance, and resistance to physical injury, toxins, and disease. Asgardian races also have much better vision and hearing than humans and phenomenal longevity, which can be extended into virtual immortality by occasionally eating Idunn's golden apples.




Real Name: Kamala Khan
First Appearance: Captain Marvel (Vol. 7) #14, September 2013 (Unnamed); All-New Marvel NOW! Point One (Vol. 1) #1, March 2014 (As Ms. Marvel IV)

Powers: Kamala Khan was a latent Inhuman who underwent spontaneous Terrigenesis when the mists were released over the planet by Attilan's destruction. Kamala's powers are morphogenic, making her body incredibly malleable.

A functional polymorph, Ms. Marvel can stretch, expand, and contort her body in a number of ways. She can extend her limbs to great lengths in order to increase her reach and stride. She can add or subtract mass from her body (presumably extra-dimensionally) in order to reach at least 15 feet tall or less than a few inches in height. Through disproportionate mass-shifting, she can expand her fists alone so that they strike like enlarged mallets. While Kamala cannot yet compress to a two-dimensional state like Reed Richards, she can squeeze herself through tight cracks and crevices, distorting her body with little regard to internal organs, bones, or muscle structure. The malleable nature of her body can absorb impact to some degree, but she still has a largely human vulnerability to harm.

Her powers double as a healing factor, as her polymorphic structure automatically devotes itself to resetting into her default state if she's injured. Ms. Marvel has rapidly recovered from a single gunshot wound or broken limbs in this manner. However, when her bio-energies are focused on healing, Kamala cannot use her other powers to their full extent, if at all, until the healing is done. Originally, Ms. Marvel had broader shape-changing abilities, letting her mimic the appearance of other people or transform into non-human forms like a sofa. Repeated use of her healing factor, though, has cemented her normal shape so that her morphogenic structure can no longer wildly diverge from that default form.




Real Name: Gabriel Shepherd
First Appearance: X-Men (Vol. 3) #36, November 2012

Powers: Gabriel Shepherd is a proto-mutant, part of an offshoot of the human-mutant species that existed hundreds of years ago. Shepherd is unique even among his people, possessing immortality and self-proclaimed omnipotence. The limits of his powers have not been established, nor do they seem to emanate from one, single kind of mutation. He is over 700 years old, possessing tremendous superhuman strength, invulnerability, and supersonic flight. His hearing is also super-acute. Shepherd has telepathic abilities, allowing him to read minds and screen his thoughts even from experienced telepaths.

His psychic power seems to be enhanced by physical contact. He could disappear at will, either by teleportation, transforming himself into energy, or a combination of the two. Gabriel also had considerable matter-energy manipulation abilities. He could project a temporal stasis pocket, freezing time within a given radius. He could move freely through the pocket, and allow other people to do the same. He could detect the subatomic traces of Arkea infestation on matter and within people, and then destroy it using a combination of an electromagnetic shock wave and total molecular disassembly of the materials nearby. He was likely capable of many other feats as well.




Real Name: Petrakis (first name unrevealed)
First Appearance: Uncanny Avengers (Vol. 1) #1, December 2012

Powers: Dancing Water is an aquamorph comprised of living water. In such a state. she is able to flow in as liquid, project pressurized streams, and teleport herself and others by passing instantly between any surface of water.




Real Name: Unknown
First Appearance: Daredevil (Vol. 3) #19, December 2012

Powers: Coyote was a human trafficker forcibly put through the same experiment as the Spot, transformed in the process. He seemingly gained the same powers as the Spot, but also relied upon mechanical systems to enhance his powers, and draw power from the Spot himself who was hooked up to the equipment.

With these enhancements, Coyote demonstrated highly skilled teleportation abilities. He could kill with a thought by spontaneously extracting all the blood from a human body. He had enough precision to teleport Daredevil's billy club out from its holster, then return it without the hero noticing either time, even with his enhanced senses.




Real Name: Trevor Hawkins
First Appearance: Wolverine & The X-Men (Vol. 1) #19, December 2012

Powers: Eye-Boy is a mutant who possesses about a hundred eyes scattered over every surface of his body. He has a superhuman visual cortex able to effectively process information from these various perspectives simultaneously, giving him a 360° degree field of vision at all times. Trevor has developed an intuitive ability to read body language and visual cues, similar to Cypher's expanded abilities after his resurrection. He can identify people's emotional state, subtle responses to their environment, and perform detective-level data extrapolation based on his observations. A visit from his future self showed Trevor that his abilities can also give him perfect vision and accuracy with firearms and ranged weapons.

Eye-Boy can also perceive certain forms of energy or information that are invisible to the naked eye. He can see magic, electromagnetic transmissions, pierce illusions, and find his friends because of the emotional energy that forms a connection between them. He can "x-ray" people, seeing their skeletons, circulatory system, or pinpoint other hidden or internal aspects of their bodies.




Real Name: Miles Morales
First Appearance: Ultimate Comics Fallout (Vol. 1) #4, October 2011

Powers: Miles Morales became Spider-Man in the Ultimate Universe (Earth-1610) after being bitten by a genetically-engineered spider from a variant of the same Oz formula as the one who bit the Earth-1610 version of Peter Parker. He has all the traditional abilities of the Earth-616 Spider-Man, including proportionate strength, speed, agility, endurance, reflexes, leaping ability, wall-crawling, and spider-sense. He is not as strong as Peter Parker and his spider-sense is less sensitive, but both of these could be due to his youth and lack of training rather than permanent weaknesses. In addition, he has two abilities Peter Parker does not:

Miles has a chameleon-like ability to blend in with his surroundings, becoming virtually invisible. He also has a "venom strike", a contact-based bio-electric power. When touching a person or object, Miles can release a bio-electric charge into them, with a momentary delay. The initial contact can feel like a small shock or bite, followed a moment later by an incapacitating discharge of bio-electricity through their body. The venom strike is powerful enough to disable superhumanly strong opponents, and can cause damage to inanimate matter as well.




Real Name: June Covington
First Appearance: Osborn (Vol. 1) #1, January 2011

Powers: Dr. June Covington developed a genetic plug-in technology and applied various forms of it to her body. The exact science behind her work hasn't been explained, but essentially she found a way to modify her physiology by introducing mixtures of pre-programmed genes into her system. Early applications improved her overall physique and profile: It enhanced her physical beauty, toned her muscle, increased her pain threshold, removed metabolic weaknesses and susceptibility to poisons and disease, etc. More advanced plug-ins made her body highly resistant to permanent harm. Her bones are pliant enough to absorb and disperse impact, and her joints can easily dislocate and then pop back into place. She is therefore double or triple-jointed in most areas, can have her head spun around 180 degrees without injuring her neck, shrug off bone-jarring impacts that twist her like a rag-doll, and yet she can reset her body in a matter of moments.

Her body also contains one or more paralytic neurotoxins. It's unclear whether she contains a specific set of neurotoxins, or if her metabolism is capable of generating new and varied toxins on command. Direct contact with her blood is dangerous, and she can also administer the neurotoxin as a scratch from her sharpened index fingernails or exhale gaseous clouds of it from her lungs. It can induce temporary paralysis, fatally retard the body's metabolic systems, or create more specific effects like "locked in" syndrome, leaving her victims alive but completely incapable of independent action for the rest of their lives.

Additionally, she can harness the bio-thermal energy produced by her metabolism, and release it sparingly as bolts of explosive heat from her hands. She has a form of genetic telepathy, enabling her to absorb genetic samples from other people in order to sense and track them from a distance. This ability enables her to psionically sense events happening in the presence of anyone she has sampled, and influence their thoughts and behavior to her own purposes. She also has some ability to telepathically project her thoughts to others she has not sampled.

Dr. June Covington holds a dual M.D./Ph.D. in genetics. A skilled scientist with expert knowledge of toxins and toxicology, she is also an expert in both molecular biology and genetics.




Real Name: Kenji Uedo
First Appearance: Generation Hope (Vol. 1) #1, January 2011

Powers: Zero II has possesses a mutant mass generating power which allows him to produce enormous amounts of bio-mechanical growth from his body. Although still outwardly human in most respects, his body is little more than a frame containing "raw materials" that he can shape at will. His body is animated and sustained by his powers alone now, making his skeletal structure and formerly vital internal organs irrelevant, and he likely no longer maintains even the illusion of them on the inside. This makes his mind difficult to read, although not impossible. Described as undifferentiated organo-techno mass, Zero II's body not only contains organic biology but also produces bio-mechanical components as a natural by-product of his physiology. Unlike techno-organics (who are composed of unique materials that have both organic and metallic physical properties), Zero II is more akin to a naturally-occurring cyborg, biologically producing hoses, cables, servos, plates, and scrap-metal patches on or inside his body at different points.

His mass-generating power, either through extra-dimensional access or rapid cellular reproduction, enables him to dramatically increase the amount of materials in his body. During his activation, Kenji's hands were amputated, leaving him with undulating tentacles in their place. His power would presumably allow him to recreate hands if he chose to, but he has not either as a form of penance or because it would require constant concentration to maintain them. He can cause his tentacles to grow in length and width, acting as prehensile spears or manipulators, and cause tentacles to grow forth from other areas of his body as well.

Zero II can cause complex shapes to form out of his flesh, forming shapes like a constricting net, a staircase, razor blades, or lifelike sculptures. His expanding mass can significantly increase his strength in all or part of his body, and he can create an exo-frame around his core body that can grow to several stories tall. Kenji can increase the production of both bio-organic and bio-mechanical mass in his body, and production of the latter allows him to create working machines with moving parts out of his mass. He can form telescopic binoculars to improve his vision, helicopter rotors that allow him to lift off the ground and fly, and some form of biological furnace vents that presumably provided him with additional raw power. Kenji also possesses the ability to shield himself from psychic intervention, and shield others in the same way by connecting with them through his tentacles.

He can also engage in psychic projection, creating three-dimensional multi-sensory displays and project them into the minds of other people through physical contact. Kenji actually circumvents the person's regular sensory impressions, causing them to essentially blackout and lose awareness of their surroundings in favor of his projections until his display ends. Kenji can also create bio-mechanical "bugs" that spawn from his mass, fly to a specific person, and inject them with a pre-recorded sensory display. Zero II cannot maintain his constructs once they are separated from his physical frame, preventing him from creating "lasting art" for future use. Therefore, his projection power can hold someone in a sensory display almost indefinitely so long as he retains contact, but the use of his "bugs" requires them to quickly reach their target and can only convey short messages before they disintegrate away from his body.




Real Name: Gabriel Cohuelo
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 1) #527, October 2010

Powers: Velocidad is a mutant able to shift himself into a relativistic faster rate of speed. His initial uncontrolled burst of mutation aged him several years and made him invisible by vibrating his body outside the realm of perception by the human eye. Since being stabilized by Hope Summers, Velocidad functions like a standard speedster. Compared to his environment, he can move at supersonic speeds. He maintains full agility, dexterity and perception while moving at relativistic speeds, allowing him to change clothes faster than the eye can follow, search an entire building in moments, etc. Velocidad cannot engage in typical super-speed feats such as running across water, straight up vertical inclines, creating whirlwinds by spinning, vibrating through matter, etc.: He only appears to be moving at super-speed from a normal perception, but the universe around him, including gravity, will affect him just the same.




Real Name: Laurie Tromette
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 1) #526, September 2010

Powers: Transonic’s mutation is specially designed for high-speed flight. Her body is composed of a form of crystal that facilitates her abilities. She is capable of achieving supersonic propulsion under her own power, and her shifting crystalline skin can adapt itself to the experience. The extent of these adaptions are unknown, but appear to include biological flaps and ailerons that control the wind flow around her, giving her stunning reflexes and aerial maneuverability, as well as protection from high-velocity wind resistance and air friction. The changes to her body vary depending on the circumstances of her flying. When flying in a straight line at maximum velocity, her body flattens out in a highly aerodynamic bullet shape; when engaged in high altitude dog-fighting requiring extra maneuverability, she can grow wings, fins, and other body elements to improve her agility.




Real Name: Teon Macik
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 1) #529, December 2010

Powers: Primal II is a mutant who possesses superhuman strength, speed, agility, endurance, reaction time, leaping ability, resilience, and senses. He can apparently track by smell, detect pheromone indicators of mood and behavior, and possesses extraordinary hand-eye coordination.

Mentally, Primal II processes all information through a hyper-efficient form of primal survival instincts. He understands everything said or done around him, but only acknowledges them in terms of Fight, Flight, Mate, Eat, or other basic needs and urges. While he is not overwhelmed by his instincts, he operates by pure and simplified versions of the more complex animal behavior patterns most people operate under.




Roster: (l to r) Famine V (Jeb Lee), Death VII (Sanjar Javeed), Pestilence VI (Ichisumi) and War VI (Decimus Furius)

First Appearances: Uncanny X-Force (Vol. 1) #1, December 2010 (Famine V and War VI); Uncanny X-Force (Vol. 1) #2, January 2011 (Pestilence VI and Death VII)

History/Powers: The Final Horsemen were a set of mutants culled from throughout history by Apocalypse and Ozymandias to be the ultimate group of Horsemen when the proper time came. When a potential member was identified, Apocalypse had them indoctrined in his ways and placed in stasis until they were needed.

Jeb Lee, a Confederate spy during the American Civil War in Gettysburg in 1863 A.D., became Famine. His mutant power manifested when his family was burned alive due to a case of mistaken identity. He could generate a bio-auditory cancer, a psionic signature that consumed living matter, causing organisms to waste away and atrophy. Humans affected by the cancer could be incapacitated by hunger pains and the general weakening and decay of their bodies. While potentially lethal, the effects could be reversed relatively quickly by escaping from Famine's range and consuming enough food. The effect was transmitted via sound waves, and required a repetitive and continuous rhythm to properly direct it. Famine used his army drum to typically focus his power, but could direct it through any form of rhythm, even tapping his fingers. Lee could direct the bio-auditory cancer to only affect specific targets within hearing range if he chose.

Sanjar Javeed, the illegitimate son of King Shapur II of Persia, became the "Seraph of Death" in 4th century (325 A.D.) Persia, before Apocalypse claimed this Death as his own. Death generated an ailment aura, a psionic field which simulated the effects of various lethal diseases, bacteria, and pathogens. The effects were focused through physical contact with metal -- different forms of metal allowed him to generate different kinds of ailments, and so he wore various metal rings to have easy access to various possibilities. Sanjar only psionically simulated the effects of each ailment, he did not actually infect his victims with the pox or other diseases. The body was merely "tricked" into acting as if it had been infected. Leaving Death's immediate range would cause the effects to rapidly vanish from his victims' bodies, but staying in his range too long would cause his victims to expire, simulated ailment or not.

Ichisumi, Pestilence, was originally a geisha from 19th century (1833 A.D.) Kumamoto, Japan. Her mutation cultivated a symbiotic swarm of Yume death beetles inside her body. These beetles could be expelled from her throat cavity with significant force. They were ravenously carnivorous flesh-eaters, able to strip a man down to his bones in a matter of seconds. When the beetles returned to Ichisumi, they shared sensory impressions with her, making her conscious of everything the beetles saw or experienced while separated from her.

War was once known as Decimus Furius, of 3rd century Rome (281 A.D.). He transformed upon puberty into gigantic minotaur of living stone, possessing superhuman strength, endurance, and resistance to all kinds of physical injury. Furius drew further strength from his so-called "warsong". While in an aggressive state, War's directed fury created a kind of psychic armor that permeated his body, significantly increasing his invulnerability. It also protected his mind from mental assault, and threatened to infect telepaths if they tried to force their way into his mind. War could also deliberately infect other people with his "warsong" -- often using his axe or another weapon as a delivery system -- causing them to experience a violent and uncontrollable rage for a period of time. If he should lose his focus and his fury in battle, however, Furius would become vulnerable. Hesitation could even cause his stone body to shatter into pieces, although he could eventually reform himself.




Real Name: Jeanne Foucault
First Appearance: Avengers Academy (Vol. 1) #1, August 2010

Powers: Finesse is a polymath, possessing an advanced mind and intuitive learning abilities. She believes herself to be the daughter of the Taskmaster, having inherited a version of his photographic reflexes. She is indeed capable of replicating any physical action or fighting style she observes, and keeps herself trained to the peak of human capability to make full use of her assimilated skills. Unlike the Taskmaster, Finesse actually possesses a more general intuitive learning capacity, beyond photographic reflexes. She has a eidetic memory and can rapidly assimilate other skills that are both purely cerebral in nature and cannot be learned through observation: She is self-taught in various languages, computer hacking and programming, lip-reading, etc. She is phenomenally observant, able to interpret body language for mild behavioral cues, and recognize datum and patterns that would typically escape the notice of others.




Real Name: Piper Dali
First Appearance: The Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #559, July 2008

Powers: Piper Dali mutated after being caught in her father's dimensional compressor. She developed the ability to flatten herself into a two-dimensional state, compressing her mass into an extremely thin frame. This papery form can absorb damage by yielding to blows and strikes, and she can also stretch her limbs and other portions of her body to a certain degree. Her thin and dense skin also becomes extremely sharp, letting her cut through Spider-Man's webbing and slice flesh with a pass of her hand. Paper Doll can also blend in with her surroundings in her two-dimensional state, taking on the same colors and patterns of a wall or billboard to become completely indistinguishable from her surroundings.

Finally, Paper Doll can recreate the dimensional compression effect on other people and objects she wraps around. Whipping her hand around Spider-Man's arm painfully compressed its mass into a papery state, leaving it all but useless until the effect wore off. She can wrap herself around an entire human body, reducing other people to a paper doll form as well, and her victims tend to suffocate to death as their compressed lungs are incapable of properly drawing breath.




Real Name: Eric Gitter
First Appearance: Young X-Men (Vol. 1) #1, June 2008

Powers: Ink is a baseline human with no superhuman powers of his own. The effects he generates are actually created by Leon Nunez.

Nunez was a tattoo artist and a mutant with an iconographic power which he focused through tattooing others. Nunez used his own will to grant Gitter superhuman powers by drawing iconic tattoos on his body with the properties or principles of the image they're based on. That principle is then controlled by the individual with the tattoo (Ink).

On the palms of Ink’s hands, he has a biohazard symbol that induces radiation-based sickness and vomiting on contact, and a caduceus which allows him to heal people from significant amounts of injury with a touch. One hand has a metallic design visible when he makes a fist, giving him a vise-like grip and the ability to throw superhumanly strong punches. The other arm has a nitro symbol on his forearm, giving him equally impressive explosive punches with that fist. Wings tattooed on his back give him the power of flight, while jagged bolts on his temples simulate telepathy, enabling him to send and receive thoughts from others.

Finally, he had a Phoenix design tattooed over his eye. This simulated the power of the Phoenix Force to an unknown degree. Leon Nunez's power imprinted concepts based on how he understands them, and he only heard about the Phoenix through Ink. Furthermore, the sheer amount of power the Phoenix tattoo needed to operate with appeared to be too much for Nunez, knocking him into a coma after it was finished. His Phoenix tattoo has since vanished, but through Nunez, he has gained a fast-healing factor and the ability to project energy blasts from his eyes.




Real Name: Richard Palance
First Appearance: X-Men (Vol. 2) #194, February 2007

Powers: Dr. Richard Palance is a baseline human who gained his superhuman ability through an infectious agent.

Pandemic obtained a DNA sample from Rogue, synthesized her power into a virus called Strain 87 and then injected himself with it, hoping to replicate her absorption ability for himself. Instead, it gave him the ability to duplicate and permanently retain the powers of any mutant he came into contact with. Unlike Rogue, he wasn't absorbing powers, only copying. Moreover, he couldn't absorb life energy, memories, and personalities. Also, his power didn't require solely skin-to-skin contact, he could activate it through contact with a mere DNA sample.

Although he claimed to possess 300 superhuman mutant powers (including 17 different forms of invulnerability), the powers he did demonstrate were readily identifiable as those of (in order of usage): Nightcrawler, Lady Mastermind, Chamber, Cyclops, Havok, Storm, Bishop, Iceman, Husk, Alchemy, Sunfire, Jean Grey, Shadowcat, Cannonball, and finally Sabretooth.

Dr. Richard Palance holds a Ph.D. in genetics and is a recognized geneticist. He also holds an M.D. and specializes in infectious diseases.




Real Name: Akihiro
First Appearance: Wolverine: Origins (Vol. 1) #10, March 2007

Powers: Daken is a second-generation mutant whose x-gene resulted in him possessing similar powers to his father, the mutant known as Wolverine.

He has accelerated cellular regeneration which gives him two abilities: His senses are superhumanly acute, boosting his vision, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. His sight is greater than 20/20, is specially adapted to function at night, and may even extend partially into the infrared spectrum. His sense of smell allows him to detect, organize, and differentiate between thousands of different scents, recognize people by their individual odors, and track them over miles of distance. Daken can act as a human lie detector, reading subtle changes in scent, heartbeat, and pupil dilation in other people. His sense of touch can detect minute changes in temperature and wind direction in his immediate vicinity, allowing him to feel the body heat of other people and the motion of nearby objects in his environment.

The second ability is a fast-healing factor that regenerates damaged or destroyed areas of his cellular structure almost instantaneously. The speed of his healing ability varies in direct proportion to the severity of the damage that he has sustained. Unlike ordinary human adults, Daken can actually regenerate cells of his nervous system and even entire organs. It is not known whether he can regenerate a limb, though. His healing ability makes him immune to poisons and most drugs. For example, it is nearly impossible for him to become intoxicated from drinking alcohol. He also has limited immunity to the fatigue poisons generated by his own body and hence, has greater stamina then an ordinary human being. This also affects his other abilities, heightening his strength, speed, agility, and reaction time. His healing factor also suppressed his aging process, keeping him vital and youthful-looking even past his half-centennial.

Daken’s claws are foot-long blades. Stored in his forearms and wrists, the claws pop out through his wrists and the backs of his hands. Each claw is triggered on an independent mental circuit, meaning he can pop anywhere from one to all six claws at once. The Normally, the claws had to break through the skin and knuckles to extend, leaving an open wound for his healing factor to close instantly. He formerly had one claw on each hand bonded to the Muramasa psycho-metal, making them strong enough to cut through Adamantium and inhibit healing factors when they strike. The bonding process came with metal channels on the backs of his hands that kept the skin open to prevent him from tearing open his flesh each time.

Daken also has the ability to emit pheromones which influence the moods of other people. Initially, his power caused other to experience whatever mood he was experiencing, but with practice he learned how to create specific reactions at will, like calm, panic, anger, lust, etc. Daken can manipulate people into trusting him against their best interests, push opponents into acting rashly out of anger while in combat, etc. This power also allows him to distort sensory perceptions to mask his scent and prevent opponents from accurately perceiving his location and movements, making him difficult to strike or avoid.

He formerly used a tech-based glove invented by Reed Richards that generated an energy claw able to cut through virtually anything and produced a stunning effect to harmlessly incapacitate opponents.




Real Name: Unrevealed
First Appearance: Free Comic Book Day: The Amazing Spider-Man, May 2007 (cameo); The Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #546, January 2008 (full)

Powers: Mister Negative received superhuman abilities from the same experimental drug that gave Cloak and Dagger their powers. While the teen runaways gained individual powers over light and darkness, this former smuggler and human trafficker became an embodiment of both concepts. He is capable of assuming a Darkforce-based form, charging his body with energy so that he appears like a photographic negative. His normal and charged appearances each represent a different side of his character. As Mr. Negative, he continues on his former path as a crimelord and force of darkness, but he also operates as "Martin Li", a humanitarian whose personality is based on the history of one of his former "passengers" from smuggling illegal immigrants in from China. While Mr. Negative is fully aware of his history and status, Martin Li is not. Li ignores or blocks out knowledge of his activities as Mr. Negative most of the time. The crimelord has occasionally demonstrated the ability to influence Li's actions or even dominate his form, exerting his powers through Li. There is still a balance being served, however, as Negative has occasionally involuntarily reverted to Li before he's ready.

As Mr. Negative, he channels a power related to the Darkforce, but it operates very differently than any previous use of that extra-dimensional force. Presumably he, like the Spot, draws his abilities not from the Darkforce Dimension itself, but from a similar neighboring dimension. His negative charge provides Mr. Negative with superhuman strength, reaction time, and resistance to all forms of physical injury. In addition to pure strength, he can also charge his blows or weapons with an energy field of reversing polarities. This "negative charge" has an electro-repulsive effect that makes objects more resilient as they strike while generating a disruptive energy pulse and repeling on impact, which all combines to make the weapon substantially more effective. Mr. Negative also has his corrupting touch, using a "negative charge" to manipulate the personalities of other people. The more inherently good a person is, the greater the reversal of their true nature. That true nature cannot be completely overcome, however, as individuals like Spider-Man, Shang-Chi, and even Aunt May have shaken off the corruption when their capacity for good vs. evil is tested. The effect of the corruption varies: May suffered no obvious physical changes, but merely a negative reflection of her character for several weeks. Other characters are overtly covered with a "negative charge" and become violent servants in the name of Mr. Negative. Shang-Chi uniquely became "evil", but had a strong enough will or sense of balance to reject Mr. Negative's control and nearly overthrow the crimelord. Mr. Negative can also use his corruption to create his Inner Demons, henchmen whom he has enhanced with his powers to be virtually unkillable. The Inner Demons can survive multiple forms of lethal injury, including bullet wounds, dismemberment or disemboweling. Their power and will are bound to Mr. Negative (or at least to HIS power, as they remained frozen and unable to choose between Negative and Shang-Chi when the latter nearly usurpted his power). The corrupted White Dragon was shot and killed by the Hood, though, so all of Mr. Negative's corrupted victims do not gain the same regenerative powers as the Inner Demons.

Finally, Martin Li seems to have powers of his own. He possesses a healing touch that has miraculously cured broken bones, permanent paralysis, even purging Eddie Brock of cancer. In fact, his healing effect merged with the traces of the Venom symbiote in Brock to create the Anti-Venom pseudo-symbiote. Martin seems unaware of his healing powers for the most part, and its possible this side of Mr. Negative has other abilities he is unaware of as well.




Real Name: Alexander Lexington
First Appearance: X-Men (Vol. 2) #178, January 2006

Powers: Alexander Lexington is a mutant with the ability to produce electrostatic energy. His high-voltage blasts could stun and electrocute living opponents, and the heat and electrical output they produced could damage inanimate targets as well. By producing controlled levels of electricity, he could override and operate mechanical systems by remote control, or force them to overload and explode due to a power surge.

Like all members of the Office of National Emergency’s Sentinel Squad O*N*E, Lexington was granted a Sentinel robot which he piloted. The Sentinel Squad mechs came in various configurations, but seemed to be equipped with some basic functions in all models. Naturally, each mech possessed tremendous size and physical strength, as well as highly reinforced armor plating to protect them from damage. Their primary offensive weapons were pulsar beams in the palms and optical lasers for surgical strikes. They were capable of flight thanks to the boot jets, and were equipped with a variety of non-lethal ordinance including tangle nets, smoke bombs, and anti-personal sonic emitters.

He became rather adept at focusing electrical power through the exostructure of his Sentinel mech as a weapon, as well.




Real Name: Jeremiah Muldoon
First Appearance: Sentinel Squad O*N*E (Vol. 1) #1, August 2006

Powers: Meld’s mutation consists of large bulging eyes with no pupils, green skin, and the mutant power to alter metallic structures on contact. A non-magnetic ability, Meld's power is in fact a highly selective form of molecular manipulation. He is able to affect not only the metal he touches directly, but all metal uniformly connected to what he's in contact with. Thus, he could make things happen further down a corridor by touching a metal wall or floor in a facility, and focus his power through the structure of his Sentinel mech while piloting it.

Like all members of the Office of National Emergency’s Sentinel Squad O*N*E, Meld was granted a Sentinel robot which he piloted. The Sentinel Squad mechs came in various configurations, but seemed to be equipped with some basic functions in all models. Naturally, each mech possessed tremendous size and physical strength, as well as highly reinforced armor plating to protect them from damage. Their primary offensive weapons were pulsar beams in the palms and optical lasers for surgical strikes. They were capable of flight thanks to the boot jets, and were equipped with a variety of non-lethal ordinance including tangle nets, smoke bombs, and anti-personal sonic emitters.

Meld could liquefy metals, reducing them to a fluid state as a means of disabling weapons, dissolving bonds, or gaining entrance through locked doors or reinforced armored walls. He could then fully restore said walls or structures to their original condition after passing through them. Meld could reshape metal structures into new forms on command, creating anything he could visualize. His power could be used for technoforming effects, psionically merging and reconfiguring circuitry to create newly operational forms of technology, especially if he had a scientific mind like Professor Winston guiding his hand in the matter. When piloting a Sentinel mech, he could conduct his power through the armor in order to alter metals that touched his suit, or make them adhere to him and assimilate that new metal into his mech for additional armor plating or armaments.




Real Name: John Dee
First Appearance: Son of M (Vol. 1) #1, February 2006

Powers: Johnny Dee is a mutant with the ability to control the behavior of others through dolls he creates from DNA samples that he feeds to an entity growing in his abdomen. This entity is a monstrous creature with a separate animalistic brain, a large toothed mouth, glowing eyes, and several tendril-like appendages.

The entity creates eggs from the DNA, which Johnny then retrieves from inside its mouth. Though Johnny can control the entity with effort, it has a will of its own. By holding the dolls, Johnny can read their progenitors thoughts, feel their emotions, see through their eyes, control their actions and powers, and even willing the person to die. The affected being is resistant to telepathic attacks.