Saturday, May 29, 2021




Real Names: Maria Callasantos (Feral); Lucia Callasantos (Thornn)
First Appearances: The New Mutants (Vol. 1) #99, March 1991 (Feral); X-Force #6 (Vol. 1), January 1992 (Thornn)

Powers: Feral and Thornn were mutant siblings who had near-identical mutations: Feline appearances with enhanced physical attributes.

Their bodies were covered with fur (orange & white for Feral, brown for Thornn) and had pointed ears, razor sharp talons on each finger and toe, pointed canine teeth, and 5-foot long prehensile tails that aided them in balance. They both possessed enhanced strength, speed, cat-like agility, healing, and reflexes. They also possessed predatory instincts and superhumanly acute senses, especially of sight and smell. Their abilities made them excellent trackers and hunters.




Real Names: Malcolm (full name unrevealed); Randall (full name unrevealed)
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 1) #282, November 1991

Powers: Malcolm (right) has the mutant power to project psionic waves into his environment. These waves relay brain wave information to him, enabling him to detect the presence of humans in his vicinity. Although he cannot directly identify the presence of mutants, he can recognize someone as not "baseline human" if they fail to register on his scans.

Randall (left) has the mutant ability to absorb any form of radioactive particles into his body and then dissipate them harmlessly into the atmosphere.

Malcolm and Randall hail from Earth-1191 in an alternate future timeline roughly 100 years from now. In their timeline, they were members of the X.S.E. (Xavier Security Enforcers), a mutant law enforcement agency inspired by the X-Men. As trained police officers skilled in tracking, they had many years of armed/unarmed combat training and were superb marksmen.




Real Name: Wade Wilson
First Appearance: The New Mutants (Vol. 1) #98, February 1991

Powers: Wade Wilson was a highly-trained mercenary who was subjected to genetic enhancement at the hands of the Weapon X Program, as they grafted a bottled variation of Wolverine's healing factor onto his cells. The end result left him permanently scarred, but superhumanly powered. Deadpool's strength, agility, endurance, and reflexes have all been heightened to above human limits. His healing factor is capable of regenerating damaged or destroyed areas of his cellular structure at a rate far greater than an ordinary human. It has proven capable of curing cancer, enables him to completely regenerate missing digits or limbs in a matter of hours, and even makes having his brain blown out the back of his skull only a temporary problem. It also provides him with protection from all forms of diseases, poisons, drugs, and extends his lifespan.

The speed at which his power functions is directly proportionate to an injury's severity and partially affected by Deadpool's mental state. It functions most efficiently when he is awake, alert, and in a positive mood.The healing factor is tied into his mind in a manner different from Wolverine, giving it a "mental" aspect which allows Deadpool to accelerate his regeneration even further by focusing on the process. Besides his natural healing powers, he was once cursed by Thanos to forever remain outside the realm of Death, and as a result has regenerated even after being reduced to protoplasm. Due to repeated brain injuries throughout his career, Deadpool's brain regenerates brain cells at such a hyper-accelerated rate that his memories and sanity suffer regular damage. For a time, his mind was mingled with the mutant known as Cable which allowed him to access the latter's bodysliding technology without the use of machinery.

Deadpool is an extraordinary athlete and hand-to-hand combatant skilled in multiple unarmed combat techniques. He is a master assassin, an excellent marksman, and an accomplished user of bladed weapons. He is fluent in Spanish, Japanese, German, among other languages. He frequently employs handguns, grenades, swords, and other weapons in combat, personal teleportation belt and a holographic image inducer as well.




Real Name: Unrevealed
First Appearance: The New Mutants (Vol. 1) #98, February 1991

Powers: Gideon has the mutant power to restructure his genetic code to match the abilities of any opponent he faces. When dealing with biologically superhuman opponents, this ability naturally manifests itself as power mimicry. Gideon was capable of manifesting multiple powers at once, such as when he used the powers of the entire New Warriors roster. He was able to wield Speedball's kinetic field in ways Speedball could not, but whether this was some intuitive part of his mutant power or merely an example of Gideon being more intelligent and imaginative than Speedball is unclear. His power can also equalize him against unliving opponents as well, though. When fighting battle droids in a training program, Gideon assimilated their mechanical strength, computer-assisted reflexes, and metallic durability. An actual power-mimic couldn't accomplish this feat because robots have no genes or bio-energy signatures to copy from. Additionally, when Gideon once fought Night Thrasher, the latter removed his hydraulically-enhanced battle suit before advancing on Gideon after Gideon indicated he could match the abilities of the armor as well.

Gideon has an extremely long lifespan due to his status as an External. Externals are mutants who, in addition to having powers from their active “x-factor” gene, are also gifted with near-immortality. An External’s immortality manifests at the point of their first mortal death. They would age normally until their first death, after which they would self-resurrect and remain frozen at that age indefinitely from then on. An External is supposed to be capable of recovering from just about any injury given time, except for the severing of all four limbs and the head. They proved just as susceptible to the Legacy Virus as other mutants, and could also be killed by the absorption or destruction of their astral forms.




Real Name: Unrevealed
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 1) #283, December 1991

Powers: The Gamesmaster is an omnipath, possessing wide-range mutant telepathic powers which keep him in constant contact with virtually every sentient mind on the planet. Only through practice and discipline has he learned to focus on perceiving individual people and their thoughts, or even to hear himself think at all.

He can communicate psionically with anyone on the face of the planet, and can also control their thoughts and actions as well. Gamesmaster can force people into a trance-like state, unconsciousness, manipulate them like puppets to speak through their voices and make their bodies act as an extension of his own, or dramatically alter their memories and beliefs. He can project his stylized "Gamesmaster" astral image anywhere in the world to signify his focus when speaking to someone.




Real Name: Unrevealed
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 1) #282, November 1991

Powers: Bantam is a mutant whose physical mutation has granted him a short misshapen green-skinned appearance. His mutant power has been described as anything from "trans-temporal awareness" to being a "chronal anchor", but it remains unclear what either of those actually mean.

Presumably, he is sensitive to the biological energy emissions of other superhumans, allowing him to locate the site where the energy was released and catalogue its presence from then on.

It has been mentioned that him tethering his power to that of Trevor Fitzroy allowed the latter to maintain greater accuracy for his portal-jumps through time in addition to space. Bantam's powers also allowed him to catalogue these various portals, mentally keeping track of which ones remained and where they opened to.




Real Name: George Washington Bridge
First Appearance: X-Force (Vol. 1) #1, August 1991

Powers: G.W. Bridge is a baseline human with no superhuman powers. He is a highly trained special agent, strategist, tactician, expert at unarmed combat, and trained in the use of a variety of long- and short-range weapons.

As a high-ranking field commander in S.H.I.E.L.D., he had a high-level federal clearance and also maintained contact with several areas of the federal government, providing him with copious resources.




Real Name: Garrison Kane
First Appearance: X-Force (Vol. 1) #2, September 1991

Powers: Garrison Kane was a mercenary working with Cable's Six Pack until an explosion cost him his arms and legs, rendering him an amputee. He was recruited into the new Weapon X Program and outfitted with new cybernetic limbs, as well as a series of additional enhancements. During this time, he operated under the code name “Weapon X”.

Kane's bionic limbs were supported by his reinforced spine, giving him superhuman strength, running speed, stamina, and reaction time. His left eye was replaced with a cybernetic supplement, giving him infrared vision and the ability to replay his memories in open air as holographic audio-visual tracks. An on-board tactical computer was built into his brain to help govern his cybernetic parts, a personal GPS beacon, strategic recommendations, and provide him with information courtesy of a pre-programmed library of facts considered relevant to his duties, including profiles on various superhumans and terrorists. His hands could be detached and fired as remote-controlled rocket projectiles, allowing him to both punch and strangle his opponents from a distance. He could discharge plasma blasts from his wrist sockets, or cycle on a wire-guided connection to his flying fists, allowing him to conduct an electrified taser charge through his arms, the wire, and ultimately into whatever target his launched hands were holding on to.

Kane underwent an upgrade after leaving the Weapon X program, and another with 40th century technology after he was injured fighting alongside Cable, who brought him into his native future for repairs. Kane could now regenerate and repair his mechanical parts and produce a synth-organic shell over his bionic limbs. Basically, synthetic organic flesh that disguised the metallic parts. He could extend a shield from his hand like a fan, with the disk unfolding around his fist from four extensions. He also demonstrated finger blasters and laser targeting pods that popped out of his shoulders.

Kane would be upgraded again by the current Weapon X Program. He now had polymorphic metal components, allowing him to reshape his limbs into different weapons at will, including energy projectors, automatic machine guns, and mono-molecular blades strong enough to sever the binding forces between molecules. Another upgrade expanded his range of potential abilities even further, allowing him to "download" new powers into his cybernetics at will. His bionics contained detailed genetic analysis files on all mutants known to Weapon X, and he could access these files to program his cybernetics to duplicate those mutants' powers to the best of his ability. This enabled him to increase his strength at will, access cryogenic blasting powers, techno-forming abilities, etc.

Friday, May 28, 2021



Real Name: Daniel Ketch
First Appearance: Ghost Rider (Vol. 1) #1, May 1990

History/Powers: Daniel "Danny" Ketch is Johnny Blaze's younger brother, and his time as the Ghost Rider is intrinsically tied to Noble Kale. During the time of the Puritans in the New England colonies of America, a man named Noble Kale was transformed into a Spirit of Vengeance by forces beyond his control. A direct ancestor of John Blaze and Danny Ketch, he was supposedly part of the same bloodline that contained the Medallion of Power, which was proven to be a ruse. Allegedly, his origin is that Mephisto was banned from claiming Kale's soul by an angel, and so they were forced to reach common ground. Kale would have his memories stripped from him, and serve as a Ghost Rider, rising up to enact vengeance whenever innocent blood was spilled. His presence would manifest itself each generation through the medallion shards of his bloodline, allowing him to take as a host body the firstborn of the generation, be they male or female. Thus Kale was denied entry into either Heaven or Hell, the guilty were punished, and Mephisto could lay claim on the souls of those evildoers who suffered under the Ghost Rider's wrath, as well as enjoying the curse Noble's presence placed on the family Kale.

Noble Kale's soul was bonded to the specific Spirit of Vengeance he served as a host for while alive, and the Kale Spirit of Vengeance did possess one of his descendants with each generation. In the generation immediately prior to the current one, where a woman named Naomi Kale was a Ghost Rider and Noble's host body, and the mother of John, Barbara, and Daniel. With her husband (and father to her children) Barton Blaze dead and her life apparently ruined by the circumstances of her curse, Naomi left one son (John Blaze) in the care of her late husband's best friend, Crash Simpson, and her other children were adopted by a family in Brooklyn (thus Barbara and Dan Ketch). In order to end the cursed continuation of Noble Kale's presence, Naomi performed a mystical ceremony which would block the firstborn of the next generation, her son Johnny, from harboring Noble's spirit. Finishing the ceremony and getting into a conflict with Mephisto, Naomi died of a long-suffering illness she had. Thus, Johnny Blaze was shielded from the Kale Spirit of Vengeance (although nothing prevented him from becoming another Ghost Rider, as seen), and the curse leapfrogged to the second-born, Barbara Ketch.

As adults, Dan and his sister Barbara stumbled onto an exchange between two criminal parties, and Barbara was near-fatally shot by a crossbow bolt while they were escaping. Dan and the badly-wounded Barbara hid in a junkyard right next to Naomi Kale's old motorcycle. The motorcycle's gas-cap began to glow and -- his hands covered with Barbara's innocent blood -- Dan touched the cap and unleashed the Noble Kale version of Ghost Rider once again. It must be pointed out here that, as the third-born of the generation, Dan would not have any medallion shard tied to his life essence, and thus should've been incapable of channeling Noble Kale, or any Spirit of Vengeance for that matter. It was supposedly the blood of his sister, who should have possessed the other Kale-bloodline shard, that allowed Dan to become a Ghost Rider. Considering later revelations, the same logic applies, except that there are no medallions shards and Barbara's blood merely conducted the curse of the Kale Spirit of Vengeance, nothing more.

Whenever innocent blood was shed in his vicinity, the gas cap would begin to glow and Dan would transform into Ghost Rider by touching it. The motorcycle, even in its normal state, did not require gas or maintenance and could drive itself to Dan's location if necessary, in order to initiate the change. Over time, Dan learned to initiate the change at will, summoning the motorcycle to him consciously, or even transform without the motorcycle, as the Midnight Sons' symbol burned out of his palms with hellfire. Once transformed, Ghost Rider possessed superhuman strength, reflexes, tireless stamina, and considerable coping ability when it comes to physical harm. Not only was this Ghost Rider superhumanly durable, his hellfire could regenerate any damage done to his bones and form. Once, he was even reduced to a pile of ash, yet a flash of hellfire reconstructed him within minutes. He was covered with hellfire like his predecessor, but the Kale Ghost Rider did not employ it as an offensive weapon. Instead, he punished the guilty with his penance stare: By getting someone to look into his empty eye sockets, Ghost Rider could force them to experience all the physical and psychological suffering they had caused in their lifetimes, an overwhelming and horrific experience for most criminals. The penance stare had the added side effect of allowing Ghost Rider to perceive all these wrongdoings as they were relived by his victim, enabling him to gauge their guilt or innocence of various specific crimes.

He used a length of mystical chain which could be employed for various purposes. It responded to his thoughts, lashed at opponents or wrapping around them as a restraint. The chain could magically extend itself to various lengths, and sections of it could be detached, thus letting him bind an opponent while still having a chain to use. He could straighten the chain and use it as a spear, and later would make it into a scythe by forging a blade of hellfire on one end. The chain links could also detach and be fired as a spray of projectiles, either to inflict blunt force or be mystical altered to possess razor sharp tips. After striking a target, the links returned to him and re-forged into a single length of chain. Transforming along with Ketch, the now flaming motorcycle could reach speeds of over 250 mph, and drop a battering ram before its front wheel to smash through barriers. It enabled him to drive straight up or across 90 degree inclines, over water, or even upside down.

Initially, the Kale Ghost Rider was amnesiac again (as he became with each new host he assumed), capable of thinking about nothing but his quest for vengeance. After Dan was mortally wounded by Blackout, Ghost Rider was forced to remain active for weeks without changing back. This helped break down his mental barriers, allowing his personality to reassert itself, although his true memories still didn't resurface. After learning about the Medallion of Power, Dan and Ghost Rider simply assumed that the Ghost Rider's personality was that of the Spirit of Vengeance Dan was channeling. It would be many more months before Ghost Rider learned of his history as Noble Kale. Briefly, Noble was separated from Dan and re-assumed a human form, taking over Blackheart's corner of Hell. However, the Spirit of Vengeance needed a physical host to support its power, not just a spiritual one, and so Noble Kale was forced to recombine with Dan Ketch. Years later, Dan Ketch forcibly exorcised Noble Kale and the Spirit of Vengeance from his body, and neither have appeared since.

Later, Dan Ketch suffered miserably after exorcising Noble Kale from his body, falling into a state of drunken depression and self-destruction. At his weakest, he was manipulated by the archangel named Zadkiel into becoming his agent on Earth, as the treacherous archangel made plans to assault Heaven itself, and he needed the power of the Spirits of Vengeance behind him. Dan was given limited doses of Spirit power, letting him transform for only a few minutes at a time, to revive his addiction and make him hungry for more. Then, Zadkiel deceived him into thinking that the Spirits of Vengeance ultimately consumed their hosts, funneling too much energy through an all-too human frame so that the host's soul dissolved and was cost its place in the afterlife. With Zadkiel's lies and his own addiction to convince him he was doing the right thing, Dan was manipulated into becoming a Spirit vampire, leeching the power from other Spirits of Vengeance around the globe. Supposedly, he was "saving" the hosts from eventually losing their souls to the Spirit power. In order to keep his own soul safe, Dan willingly gave it over to Zadkiel for "safekeeping", thus making him that much easier for the archangel to control. Over time, Dan consolidated the power of all the Earthly Spirits of Vengeance into his own body, demonstrating incredible strength and power, and new abilities like creating free-acting hellfire duplicates of himself, or flying using angelic wings of fire. During this time, his hellfire often burned with blue flame instead of orange. Once he was successful, however, Zadkiel stripped Dan of the Spirits' power and cast him back down to Earth, with only the residual power of one Spirit of Vengeance still in his system.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021




Real Name: James Nicola Bradley
First Appearance: Lightning Comics (Vol. 1) #6, April 1942; Invaders (Vol. 2) #1, May 1993 (As Dr. Death); The Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 1) #504, January 2009 (As Dr. Nemesis)

Powers: Dr. Nemesis is a mutant possessing what he himself has described as a “self-evolving intellect”, which greatly implies that he possesses superhuman intelligence, increasing his natural data storage, compiling and retrieval abilities. His intellect may work independently of his conscious mind, intuitively performing genius-level calculations and deductions without his direct guidance. His mind intuitively gains an understanding of ideas and concepts he focuses on, building upon his existing knowledge and creating a larger "knowledge base" that he can draw upon in the future. At present, his power has had over 100 years of mental growth, however, so how his mind functioned in the early days of his mutation when his "knowledge base" was still maturing is unknown.

Dr. Nemesis has undergone several genetic enhancements using bio-chemical modifications of his own design. He possesses a substantially retarded aging process (he is well past his centennial) and increased immune system. His eyes have been specially-improved to possess long-range pinpoint vision. He can track moving objects over a great distance and target them with exceptional accuracy. He can also see in various spectra of light beyond human ability, giving him a form of x-ray vision. He can selectively illuminate these spectra, shifting his visual range to meet the needs of a situation. Dr. Nemesis typically carries pneumatic dart guns which fire syringes over considerable distance. They are often filled with a tranquilizing solution, although he can easily adjust the mixture. He has also self-evolved his inner ears during his 20s, giving him immunity to disorientation and nausea.

James Bradley holds an M.D. and is extensively taught in robotics and biochemistry. His mutant superhuman intellect has allowed him to master virtually all forms of medical and scientific disciplines.

Monday, May 24, 2021




Real Name: Sean Dolan
First Appearance: Black Knight (Vol. 2) #2, July 1990 (As Sean Dolan); Avengers Annual (Vol. 1) #22, March 1993 (As Bloodwraith)

Powers: Sean Dolan, a former squire of the Black Knight, became a new embodiment of the Ebony Blade's blood curse when he pulled the enchanted sword from its meteorite sheath. He, the sword, and his steed Valinor are now mystically bonded to one another. Sean can maintain his regular personality normally, but is transformed into the violent Bloodwraith when the sword senses evil in its vicinity, and compels him to draw it from its scabbard. The sword has an intense craving for souls, and this manifests through Sean as the Bloodwraith's desire to shed the blood of the guilty. Inflicting a mortal blow on a foe enables Bloodwraith to absorb their soul into his blade, but even a minor cut allows the blade to draw upon a fraction of the victim's soul, sending a temporary bone-chilling weakness through them. The souls of the guilty feed the inherent evil of the blade's curse and are addictive for Dolan, making Bloodwraith even more violent and eager to claim victims. The souls of the innocent, however, will temporarily satiate the sword's appetite, allowing Sean's inherent goodness to reassert control over his second self's actions. Thus, the Bloodwraith's identity is a living balance between good and evil, with the quality of each soul he takes tipping the scales one way or another.

The connection between man, sword, and steed allows Bloodwraith to summon Valinor mentally over a distance, retrieve his sword back to his grasp from anywhere within his line-of-sight, and teleport himself and Valinor into the sword's vicinity if they are ever separated by a great distance. He was once able to transport from New York to Sarajevo instantly to retrieve the blade once Deadpool teleported away with it. The blade itself is virtually indestructible, able to slice through near any substance. It is also capable of disrupting sources of magic on contact, cutting through mystical barriers or deflecting spells cast at it. It can absorb flame and energy harmlessly into the blade's metal as well. Bloodwraith was later overcome completely by the sword's curse when he traveled to the nation of Slorenia, which at the time, had been massacred to the last man by Ultron. The blade reacted to the residual spiritual energy of the thousands dead there, and caused the sword and Bloodwraith to grow into a giant more than 10 stories tall. His new form was now energy-based, powered by soul magic with immeasurable strength and completely immaterial to scientific forces.




Real Name: Miguel Santos
First Appearance: Avengers West Coast (Vol. 2) #63, October 1990

Powers: Miguel Santos' father, Carlos, was a member of the Legion of the Living Lightning who fought the Hulk. Exploring the abandoned Lightning base, Miguel plugged himself into the Lightning Machine, and absorbed/gained electrical powers. Initially, his body generated a powerful electrical aura that he could manipulate. He could fire lightning bolts from his hands, levitate and fly through the air, and used his aura as a defensive screen to incinerate gas or projectiles. After being caught in an explosion, though, Miguel died and his mass was scattered throughout the atmosphere.

The Living Lightning was revived by Doctor Demonicus, restored to a living human form where he had previously been discorporated electro-plasma. He was given a special costume that allowed Miguel to shift between human and lightning states at will. The costume was also designed so that Demonicus could reverse the binding effect on Miguel's body if he ever betrayed the doctor, scattering his plasma to the four corners of the Earth. The Lightning betrayed Demonicus anyway, and the Avengers later altered his costume for him. The stabilizing circuitry that kept him in human form was reduced to a set of belt pods instead of an entire costume. He was also given special dampening patches that he could wear while sleeping, allowing Miguel to stay in human form through the night without having to wear the belt. Presently, Miguel may now have enough control over his powers that he doesn't need the belt's circuitry any longer.

After his resurrection, Miguel's powers were much more advanced. Even in his human state, Miguel could generate lightning bolts to shock his opponents, or manipulate electrical energy. For instance, he could electrify coins or other metal substances, or remotely change the station on a radio. He could also absorb electricity from outside sources into his body. Miguel's powers dramatically increased when he turned off the power pods on his belt and returned to his Living Lightning state. In this form he was pure energy, capable of surviving in the vacuum of space, traveling at the speed of light, and unaffected by purely physical forms of attack. Only attacks that disrupted energy or drained him of power were really effective. He could generate and absorb a much greater amount of electricity in his lightning state as well.




Real Name: Roderick Campbell
First Appearance: Fantastic Four Annual (Vol. 1) #23, July 1990

Powers: Ahab is the Earth-811 counterpart of Dr. Roderick “Rory” Campbell. He was bionically-enhanced in his native timeline with cybernetic limbs which augment his strength, durability, and reflexes. He can tap his own life-force to create psychic harpoons and key them to a specific target, disrupting their neural pathways in order to stun, paralyze or kill others. His harpoons can also transform his victims into Hounds keyed to their progeny's genetic "scent". Lastly, he can access a cross-temporal pocket laboratory and able to travel through space-time via that location. Becoming Famine after being genetically altered by Apocalypse gave him the ability to emaciate opponents by draining their life energy.




Real Name: Haruo Tsuburaya
First Appearance: The New Mutants (Vol. 1) #93, September 1990

Powers: Kamikaze’s mutant ability was the power to produce an explosive release of energy on impact. He accomplished this by accelerating atomic friction on contact, creating violent explosions within anything he touched. He also possessed the power of flight and would use it to propel himself into an opponent at high speeds. He seemingly had some defense against his own power, suggesting some level of enhanced strength and durability.




Real Name: Juliana Worthing
First Appearance: The New Mutants (Vol. 1) #86, February 1990

Powers: Strobe’s mutant power is the ability to increase the kinetic motion of molecules around her body, creating a thermal field that liquefies or incinerates matter on contact. This field is only a few inches thick, yet produces enough concentrated heat to instantly melt away speeding bullets before they can impact her skin. She can burn her way through all forms of plastics and metals, even cybernetic parts.

She can also focus her energies outwards as heat beams to melt objects from a distance, and the beams are intensely bright enough to blind opponents too resilient to burn or melt under her heat. She also demonstrated the power to fly using her abilities, through thermal updrafts and propulsion.




Real Name: Tamara Kurtz
First Appearance: The New Mutants (Vol. 1) #93, September 1990

Powers: Dragoness has energy projection powers. Primarily, her mutant power utilizes her inner storages of bio-electricity to focus stinger blasts that disrupt organisms or mechanical activity, or excite particle matter in the atmosphere to ignite pyrotechnic flares.

She also wears a flight pack with mechanized dragon wings that enabled her to fly.




Real Name: Michael McCain
First Appearance: The New Mutants (Vol. 1) #86, February 1990

Powers: Forearm’s mutant powers were superhuman strength and resistance to injury due to his two additional appendages and related enhanced musculature. He could lift up to 10 tons.




Real Names: Kristina Anderson (Thumbelina); Christopher Anderson (Slab)
First Appearances: The New Mutants (Vol. 1) #86, February 1990 (Thumbelina); X-Factor (Vol. 1) #74, January 1992 (Slab)

Powers: Thumbelina and Slab are mutant siblings born with size-changing abilities.

Thumbelina has the mutant power to compress her molecules into a smaller physical frame, enabling her to decrease her size and mass while proportionately increasing her strength and density. She can shrink to as small as a half-inch tall and back to her regular form at will.

Slab is a mutant who possesses enhanced strength and durability. He is capable of expanding his body to at least 2-3 times his normal size, increasing his strength and durability further in the process. He reaches at least Class 50 strength when at his growth limit.




Real Name: Jun Tenta
First Appearance: The New Mutants (Vol. 1) #93, September 1990

Powers: Sumo's mutant power granted him a considerable amount of mutagenically-enhanced fat in layers over his body. This gave him considerable strength and resistance to all manner of physical harm, resistance which varied in direct proportion to the amount of fat covering a given portion of his frame. He could resist temperature extremes and puncture wounds as well.

He also had the ability to alter his weight, either through mass-shifting or gravity manipulation, allowing him to leap much higher into the air than physically possible for a man of his size, and then pull himself back down onto an opponent with greater force that normal.




Real Name: Inapplicable
First Appearance: The New Mutants (Vol. 1) #86, February 1990

Powers: Zero is an ADAM (Algorhythmic wavelength Dampening / Ambient-energy absorbing Modular) unit, originally from the 40th century future of Earth-4935.

He primarily demonstrated the ability to open teleportation portals from one location to another, allowing him and others to travel instantaneously. These portals remained open as long as Zero willed them to, allowing passage back and forth between the two connected points. One occasion claimed he had to have been to a location first before opening a portal there, but that was widely disproven across his various appearances. Zero possessed a wide range of additional capabilities which he was apparently restricted from accessing while under Stryfe's programming.

As an android, his strength, endurance, reflexes, and intelligence and processing abilities all exceeded human prowess. As a peacekeeping mechanism, he was designed with scanners capable of detecting potential sources of conflict, which included the ability to detect and categorize various forms of technology and weaponry, the presence and abilities of superhumans, and even the psychological profiles of sentient beings, to determine if they were peaceful or warlike in nature. Once his scanners had categorized everything in his environment, Zero was then capable of eliminating all threats to the peace, draining energy from electronic systems or outright obliterating weapons of war or warlike individuals.

Friday, May 21, 2021




Real Name: Doreen Allene Green
First Appearance: Marvel Super Heroes Special (Vol. 1) #8, December 1990

Powers: Squirrel Girl's altered genome gives her various squirrel-like powers. She possesses heightened agility, reaction time, and leaping ability, and her jaw muscles are superhumanly strong. She has sizable buck teeth, which are strong enough to chew through wood. She has retractable knuckle spikes which pop out in a short point from the backside of her hands, and razor sharp finger claws which can be used offensively or to grip walls in order to scale vertical surfaces. She also has a bushy, prehensile squirrel tail roughly 3-4 feet in length. Squirrel Girl is capable of mentally communicating with and directing the activity of squirrels. She also has markings around her eyes, but whether these are natural due to her mutation, or cosmetically applied to enhance her humanoid-squirrel appearance is unknown.




Real Name: Pantu Hurageb
First Appearance: The New Mutants (Vol. 1) #86, February 1990

Powers: Reaper's mutant power is to psionically project neuro-synaptic inhibitor waves to affect anyone within his immediate vicinity. These waves inhibit reaction time and slow the conscious thought processes of his victims, giving him an advantage over them. He used a scythe capable of mechanically amplifying his power, channeling it so that anyone struck by the scythe's blade would be totally paralyzed for a period of time afterwards.

As a member of the Mutant Liberation Front, Reaper suffered multiple injuries: Losing both hands in battle with Shatterstar and his lower leg to a rapidly closing teleportation portal courtesy of his teammate, Zero. All these amputated parts were replaced by cybernetic appendages. He briefly had one bionic hand replaced by a miniaturized scythe blade, but quickly discontinued use of this cybernetic part. While a member of Malibu's Exiles, Reaper made a deal with the Tradesmen on the Godwheel, who augmented his scythe so that his power was actually augmented when in the Ultraverse (Earth-93060), unlike most mutants and superhumans who lost half their power in that universe. Reaper's scythe was also able to absorb certain forms of energy and process them as a dimensional conduit to allow travel between the 616 Universe and the Ultraverse. He only had a finite power supply for this feature, however, and little knowledge on how to employ it.

After returning to 616 and being forced into service with Weapon X, Reaper was given new cybernetic hands that could morph into scythe blades to act as a conduit for his mutant power. His mutation also left him with pale white skin and black patches over his eyes.




Real Name: Richard Gill
First Appearance: The New Mutants (Vol. 1) #86, February 1990

Powers: Wildside’s mutant power is to generate a psionic distortion wave which can alter people's perceptions of reality. The earliest use of his power was to make himself and his teammates undetectable by human senses. Though it can be used passively, his power can also offensively scramble the senses of others, creating mind-warping hallucinations that make his opponents incapable of properly receiving information from their senses, driving them to the brink of madness or rendering them insensate, virtually comatose and unable to respond to the real world.

Wildside's mutation also granted him enhanced agility, reflexes, senses, untamed hair, pointed ears and canine teeth, and natural claws on each finger. Upon joining the Weapon X Program, Wildside's hands were replaced with morphing cybernetic components, which shifted between normal fingers and razor sharp claws on command.




Members: Impulse, Mathemanic, Pretty Persuasions, Coronary, and Asylum I (l to r)
First Appearance: The New Warriors (Vol. 1) #4, October 1990

History/Powers: Psionex is a team of unstable superhuman misfits formed by Genetech, a bio-engineering firm specializing in researching superhuman genetics. The company was founded by 1930's child prodigy, Harmon Furmintz, via grants from the Taylor Foundation. When the first incarnation of the young super-hero team, the New Warriors, made their public debut, Genetech hired the Mad Thinker to research the Warriors. His data was then used to experiment on five volunteer test subjects, each chosen on the basis of their morphological differences and varied socioeconomic backgrounds. All five volunteers had their brains enhanced through biochemical, bio-mechanical, and surgical means, becoming superhuman at the deterioration of their mental health. Collectively known as Psionex, they were intended by Genetech to be "the way of the future" of superhumans.

Dwight Hubbard was a street gang-affiliated youth when he volunteered. As Impulse, he developed increased physical capabilities. His agility and reaction time were increased to superhuman levels, he could sprint at superhuman speeds, and it seems that his strength may have been boosted as well. He used a row of tranquilizer-tipped spikes on each forearm as weapons in combat.

Thomas Sorenson was a genius-level intellect attending the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. As Mathemanic, he developed an ability known as "arithmetic telepathy", which manifested itself in a wide variety of ways with no clear link between all of them. Already a genius mathematician, he stated he could manipulate numerical values such as time, distance, and force, but that may be hyperbole. He was capable of self-levitation (though not the propulsion necessary for true flight), and could cause other objects to levitate as well or break apart. These effects may have been a form of gravity manipulation, as he was also able to make people perceive as if they were many times heavier than their actually were. He could psionically manipulate people through their sensory processes, causing them to experience increased or decreased passages of time -- either slowly them to a snail's pace or convincing them their were many decades older than they were -- or causing people to zone out into a catatonic state by mentally connecting them to interplanetary distances of space.

Heidi P. Franklin was an exotic dancer prior to joining Genetech. As Pretty Persuasions, she can psionically stimulate the pleasure centers in a person's brain. She is able to manipulate the human libido through a form of empathic influence, causing other people to become extremely sexually aroused, effectively seducing them so that they were willing to put aside whatever duties or responsibilities they had at the moment to give in to their carnal desires. It isn't clear if she could manipulate someone's behavior in other ways as well. She could also manifest this psychosexual energy she controlled as tangible psychoplasmic shapes, such as whips, blades, or other weapons.

James Sharp was a medical student before volunteering. He was mutated by the gene-splicing into a being composed of smooth crystal with the psionic power to manipulate metabolic processes in others. Dubbed "Coronary", he could induce heart attacks or heart failure, send someone's nervous systems into spasms, cause stomach cramps, etc. While battling Namorita, however, he accidentally caused her to drop him from a great height, and shattered upon impact. His body reformed on its own, only now his appearance resembles shards of jagged glass than smooth crystal. This event opened up his mind to using his powers on himself, and Coronary was now capable of turning intangible or morphing himself, either by stretching his limbs to great lengths or increasing his size and mass to magnify his strength.

Asylum I was a mental hospital patient who became an apparently non-corporeal entity inhabiting a collection of Darkforce mist. This allowed her to float about on her own and rendered her completely untouchable by solid matter except for her headpiece -- this piece of costuming was apparently helping her maitaining her mist-form, and thus was her only vulnerable spot. Striking the headpiece could temporarily disperse Asylum I's mist until she could regather her Darkforce. For offensive purposes, Asylum I could focus her Darkforce into concussive blasts extending from her mist, or wrap someone in the mist itself to subject them to their personal fears and traumatic memories.