Monday, July 15, 2024




Real Names: Samuel John LaRoquette (Rock); Craig Saunders, Jr. (Redeemer)
First Appearances: The Incredible Hulk (Vol. 1) #317, December 1985 (originally); The Incredible Hulk (Vol. 1) #343, May 1988 (As Rock & Redeemer)

Powers: Samuel LaRoquette and Craig Sauders were S.H.I.E.L.D. advisors who were captured by longtime Hulk foe the Leader, who mentally manipulated and brainwashed both men until they became his loyal followers. Shortly after, he placed LaRoquette in a shape-shifting rock-like exoskeleton and Saunders in a powerful suit of high-tech armor, empowering them as his servants, Rock & Redeemer.

As Rock, Samuel J. LaRoquette was permanently bonded to a powerful rock-life exo-skeletal armor. In its default state, Rock resembled a man's face peeking out from inside a meteor. The exo-skeleton also gave him superhuman strength (Class 25) and was extremely durable. He could levitate and fly with the exoskeleton, and he could reshape it with his thoughts. Rock has used the exo-skeleton to protrude sharp spikes, shift his outer frame into a smooth ball, sprout enormous hands with bladed fingers, or even temporarily form into a roughly humanoid shape over 30 feet tall. The exo-skeleton had the ability to regenerate, and would re-form around LaRoquette's body even if it were completely shattered. Rock was mentally bonded to the exo-skeleton, feeling it and controlling it as if it were his own body; however, he also felt damage to the exoskeleton as if it were his own body being harmed.

As Redeemer, Craig Saunders Jr. wore an armored mechanical battlesuit that granted him enhanced human strength and durability. The battlesuit wielded a variety of powerful guns, rocket launchers, and energy cannons.

As a Hulkbusters, both men had access to advanced technology such as battlesuits, planes, and large land vehicles outfitted with weapons powerful enough to threaten the Hulk. LaRoquette is also a survival expert with experience in many harsh climates and terrains. Saunders was also a distinguished demolitions expert.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024





Real Name: Neil Donaldson
First Appearance: Iron Man (Vol. 1) #189, September 1984

Termite was a mutant able to generate an unidentified form of energy that dissolved the molecular bonds of any object, causing it to disintegrate. He was unable to project this energy beyond his hands, so he released it upon contact. He could cause immediate destruction to anything he put his hands on, and also used his power for tunneling purposes, moving under the earth or at angles to travel beneath the surface. Tunneling helped him survived a fall from a great height, so presumably the disintegrating matter caught his weight more softly than hard stone would. He was already a skilled sculptor, and turned his power towards that craft, allowing him to selectively disintegrate a lump of stone into a humanoid sculpture of his own design.

He also wore a protective suit of armor equipped with a one-hour air supply to allow him to burrow underground for an extended duration.

Thursday, December 28, 2023




Real Name: Albert Louis
First Appearance: Alpha Flight (Vol. 1) #118, March 1993

Powers: Feedback is a mutant capable of producing bio-electrical energy in various forms, and absorbing outside forms of electromagnetic force directed at him to increase his energy reserves.

He can radiate electrical surges from his skin, or direct the energy out in blasts from his fingertips. Albert can also produce tangible energy fields shaped from his electricity, which could be used for protection or made into animated shapes like a giant, solid fist or his "shocktroopers".

The "shocktroopers" are humanoid masses of electricity with the full range of movement that can physically interact with objects, yet produce high-voltage electricity enough to stun or kill a man on contact. These "shocktroopers" are an inherent aspect of Feedback's powers and not a skill he has cultivated: He subconsciously manifested them before his powers had even stabilized after their initial development, and demonstrated no difficulty or need for concentration to direct their actions. Though they don't speak or demonstrate individual traits or thought, it's possible the "shocktroopers" are actually created with a semi-autonomous portion of Feedback's mind directing them, allowing them to maintain and operate more or less independently of Albert's own active mind.

Tuesday, June 13, 2023




Real Name: Nathaniel Carver
First Appearance: Generation X (Vol. 2) #1, July 2017

Powers: Hindsight possesses the mutant power of psychometry.

Through physical contact, he is able to read the history of any person or object. Nathaniel can read the psychic residue left on objects by past events, allowing him to potentially read the thoughts people were having in the past when they touched the object. Hindsight also gets a full-immersive experience when touching people, automatically providing him with their memories over a wide period to experience them all at once.





Real Name: Christopher Muse
First Appearance: All-New X-Men (Vol. 1) #1, January 2013

Powers: Triage has the mutant ability to manipulate entropic forces. This allows him to heal himself and others on contact or through close proximity. His power operates through an infusion of life-force energy, similar to Dagger. This excess living energy is absorbed by the injured party and turned towards revitalizing them and accelerating the natural healing processes of the body. Not only can he heal almost any injury, Triage can even restore the recently deceased by rekindling the energy of life inside their bodies with his life-force infusions. If he catches someone a few moments after death, they will fully recover as if they hadn't died at all.

If someone has been dead for a period of time, however, Triage cannot fully reverse the cellular decay which sets in after the body fails. Instead, he creates something akin to a zombie, reanimating the deceased's physical frame and at least an echo of their mind. The life-force cannot be rekindled in bodies like this, so it seems more like Triage's energy infusion serves as an independent animating force for the "zombie". Having only done so once, it's unknown how long a person will last in this state, but presumably it would be only a temporary reanimation as the life-force infusion fades.

Thursday, November 10, 2022





Roster (from top to bottom): Skyhawk (Winston Manchester); Earth Lord (Kyle Brock); and Wind Warrior (Pamela Shaw)

First Appearance: The Mighty Thor (Vol. 1) #395, September 1988

History and Powers: The Earth Force is a team of three human beings who were granted superhuman powers by the Heliopolitan death god, Seth. The leading gods of Heliopolis were once worshipped by the people of ancient Egypt.

Policeman Kyle Brock, businessman Winston Manchester, and housewife Pamela Shaw were all patients in the same New York City hospital to which the injured Asgardian god, Hogun, had been brought. Brock had been shot by criminals, Manchester had been hospitalized due to overwork, and Shaw had attempted suicide after her baby had died and her husband had left her.

Seth brought the three patients to his own "dimension of death," healed them, and infused the three with energy to mutate them into superhumanly powered forms, claiming he wanted to transform them into "a force to preserve and protect the Earth." Thus, Brock became Earth Lord, Manchester became Skyhawk, and Shaw became Wind Warrior.

Skyhawk possesses superhuman size, strength (Class 10), and can fly by means of his powerful under arm-to-rib cage wings.

Earth Lord possesses superhuman size, strength (Class 100), and his power draws strength and mass from the ground to become a giant. Besides his superhuman strength, he is highly resistant to physical injury.

Wind Warrior possesses superhuman size, strength (Class 10), and can transform her body to become winds and whirlwinds of strengths ranging up to tornado force. She can fly by summoning winds strong enough to bear her aloft.

Wednesday, September 28, 2022





Real Name: Maximillian Stone
First Appearance: Iron Man (Vol. 1) #298, November 1993

Powers: Dr. Maximillian Stone was the Project Director of Stark Enterprises' Acheron Mountain Geothermal Research Facility which was designed inside of an extinct volcano to study geothermal energy. An earthquake occurred which impacted the facility's drill core. In order to prevent the facility from being flooded by magma, Dr. Stone attempted to shut down the drill manually by entering the facility's core level deep within the volcano. An additional tremor created a chasm, and Dr. Stone fell into a layer of magma. Dr. Stone was rescued by a sentient entity of living magma that had been drawn to the local magma currents caused by the drilling rig. Weakened by the cooler magma layer the entity had found itself in, the entity could not maintain Dr. Stone's life for long and would soon die. The entity proposed an alternative: To combine their forms, both physically and mentally, in order to survive. Dr. Stone agreed, and the entity formed a rocky cocoon that enveloped them both. Soon after, their essence became the rocky entity which called itself Earth-Mover.

As Earth-Mover,
his body was composed entirely of rock. He had superhuman strength and durability. If damaged or broken, his body could reform itself. He could liquefy by raising his temperature to shift from solid rock into magma. While in his magma form, he could liquefy other rock in his area on contact, assimilating it to become a larger and stronger rock form when he reverted to solid state. Although Earth-Mover still possessed the intellect and faculties of Dr. Stone, he was unable at that time to clearly vocalize his thoughts.

Dr. Maximillian Stone was a gifted intellect with a Ph.D. in geophysics. He was a geothermal scientist with expertise in drilling technology.