Thursday, November 10, 2022





Roster (from top to bottom): Skyhawk (Winston Manchester); Earth Lord (Kyle Brock); and Wind Warrior (Pamela Shaw)

First Appearance: The Mighty Thor (Vol. 1) #395, September 1988

History and Powers: The Earth Force is a team of three human beings who were granted superhuman powers by the Heliopolitan death god, Seth. The leading gods of Heliopolis were once worshipped by the people of ancient Egypt.

Policeman Kyle Brock, businessman Winston Manchester, and housewife Pamela Shaw were all patients in the same New York City hospital to which the injured Asgardian god, Hogun, had been brought. Brock had been shot by criminals, Manchester had been hospitalized due to overwork, and Shaw had attempted suicide after her baby had died and her husband had left her.

Seth brought the three patients to his own "dimension of death," healed them, and infused the three with energy to mutate them into superhumanly powered forms, claiming he wanted to transform them into "a force to preserve and protect the Earth." Thus, Brock became Earth Lord, Manchester became Skyhawk, and Shaw became Wind Warrior.

Skyhawk possesses superhuman size, strength (Class 10), and can fly by means of his powerful under arm-to-rib cage wings.

Earth Lord possesses superhuman size, strength (Class 100), and his power draws strength and mass from the ground to become a giant. Besides his superhuman strength, he is highly resistant to physical injury.

Wind Warrior possesses superhuman size, strength (Class 10), and can transform her body to become winds and whirlwinds of strengths ranging up to tornado force. She can fly by summoning winds strong enough to bear her aloft.

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