Monday, July 15, 2024




Real Names: Samuel John LaRoquette (Rock); Craig Saunders, Jr. (Redeemer)
First Appearances: The Incredible Hulk (Vol. 1) #317, December 1985 (originally); The Incredible Hulk (Vol. 1) #343, May 1988 (As Rock & Redeemer)

Powers: Samuel LaRoquette and Craig Sauders were S.H.I.E.L.D. advisors who were captured by longtime Hulk foe the Leader, who mentally manipulated and brainwashed both men until they became his loyal followers. Shortly after, he placed LaRoquette in a shape-shifting rock-like exoskeleton and Saunders in a powerful suit of high-tech armor, empowering them as his servants, Rock & Redeemer.

As Rock, Samuel J. LaRoquette was permanently bonded to a powerful rock-life exo-skeletal armor. In its default state, Rock resembled a man's face peeking out from inside a meteor. The exo-skeleton also gave him superhuman strength (Class 25) and was extremely durable. He could levitate and fly with the exoskeleton, and he could reshape it with his thoughts. Rock has used the exo-skeleton to protrude sharp spikes, shift his outer frame into a smooth ball, sprout enormous hands with bladed fingers, or even temporarily form into a roughly humanoid shape over 30 feet tall. The exo-skeleton had the ability to regenerate, and would re-form around LaRoquette's body even if it were completely shattered. Rock was mentally bonded to the exo-skeleton, feeling it and controlling it as if it were his own body; however, he also felt damage to the exoskeleton as if it were his own body being harmed.

As Redeemer, Craig Saunders Jr. wore an armored mechanical battlesuit that granted him enhanced human strength and durability. The battlesuit wielded a variety of powerful guns, rocket launchers, and energy cannons.

As a Hulkbusters, both men had access to advanced technology such as battlesuits, planes, and large land vehicles outfitted with weapons powerful enough to threaten the Hulk. LaRoquette is also a survival expert with experience in many harsh climates and terrains. Saunders was also a distinguished demolitions expert.

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