Thursday, September 30, 2021




Real Name: n/a
First Appearance: Captain America (Vol. 1) #209, May 1977

Powers: Doughboy is a genetically engineered bio form created by Arnim Zola. He is a non-humanoid bio-form who normally assumes an enormous pie-shaped form with a face consisting of eyes, a mouth, and sometimes a nose, long rubbery arms with only two fingers each, and stalk-like legs with two toes each: His body resembles dough both in appearance and in consistency.

Aside from the above listed attributes, Doughboy possesses an extremely malleable body, enabling him to alter his shape at will. He can alter the color and even the hardness of his body, and once even effectively duplicated the appearance of an Avengers Quinjet.

He can stretch, deform, expand, compress, and flatten all or part of his body at will. Within certain limits, he can use his body to enclose and muffle an explosion and absorb the impact of bullets or other projectiles without harm to himself. His body is highly adhesive and is as viscous as tar. Hence, his body can trap and absorb persons or objects as if it were made of quicksand.

Although Doughboy can be injured, his wounds close immediately without bleeding. Doughboy can shed excess body mass at will and apparently can add to his body mass by absorption of organic matter. Thor once battered Doughboy to pieces, but it is believed that he was able to reform himself.

He has self-levitation for flight. Doughboy has low intelligence and virtually no will of his own. Hence, while he can understand and follow his masters commands he has no creative intelligence. He is apparently incapable of speech.

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