Thursday, September 30, 2021




Real Name: Joseph Cartelli
First Appearance: Dazzler (Vol. 1) #5, July 1981

Powers: Prior to his empowering, Joey Cartelli was a mob enforcer and natural athlete who acquired a belt which generated a protective blue force field. Exposure to the force field amplified his own bio-energy, giving him superhuman strength, speed, and a near-impenetrable force field. With his strength augmented by the belt, the Blue Shield is 10 times stronger than a human being (with approximately Class 10 strength). His reflexes are 10 times that of a normal man and he is able to run at a maximum speed of 50 miles per hour for short lengths of time.

His belt acts upon his bio-energy to generate an oscillating frequency of bio-energy that interacts with nearby atomic particles in a way to generate a self-supporting force field. This field,
which radiates 1 inch from every point on the surface of his body, screens him from objects moving at any speed of light. Hence, projectiles such as bullets and knives would be deflected by the field, as would the fist or body of an assailant. The field does not block out sound, light, and some electromagnetic phenomena. The field is able to absorb the shock of impact of any force up to 1,000 pounds per square inch with out the Blue Shield being buffeted with in the field by the force of impact. The force field, which tends to grow blue with harmless Cherenkov radiation, is imperceptible to the touch from within, but has a warm, spongy feel from the outside.

Initially, Joey needed to wear his belt for his enhancements, but they've become innate after years of repeated and prolonged exposure to the energies.

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