Thursday, September 30, 2021




Real Name: Ares
First Appearance: The Mighty Thor (Vol. 1) #129, June 1966

Powers: As an immortal god, Ares possesses vast strength (up to Class 70) and endurance. His physical capabilities are superior to those of the majority of Olympian gods. He has virtually inexhaustible stamina, and does not tire appreciably after any exertion.

Like all Olympian, Ares is immortal, possessing a life essence that cannot be ended by any conventional means. He can be wounded in battle, but his godly life force gives him incredible recuperative abilities. He can fully recover from penetration wounds (such as by knife, sword, or bullet) in anywhere from minutes to hours, depending on their severity. Only an injury of such magnitude that it incinerates him or disperses a major portion of his bodily molecules could cause him physical death. Even then, his life essence may still be unharmed, and his father Zeus may be able to resurrect him.

As with many gods, he can hear the calls of his worshippers, or those who worship the principle he embodies, allowing him to telepathically sense all outbreaks of war and violence around the globe. Ares also has other godly powers that he rarely uses. Among these are the ability to transport himself to and from Olympus and Earth and walk among the mortals undetected -- in this state, he can only be seen, heard or touched while interacting with other gods. Ares has also demonstrated the power to possess mortal beings, entering their bodies and taking over their actions as his own. Naturally, Ares is a master of combat, both unarmed and in the use of all forms of weaponry. Part of this is his immortal experience, but as the God of War, he can magically draw upon any knowledge of warfare he desires instantaneously. He has made frequent use of axes, swords, and javelins, but in recent times has also begun making use of modern tools such as assault weapons and grenades. Originally, Ares' skill was limited to the use of all implements of war used in the time of ancient Greece and Rome. such as javelins, swords, axes, and flails. Over the years, he has come to master all forms of weaponry, modern and ancient.

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