Saturday, December 25, 2021




Real Name: Alan Fagan
First Appearance: Marvel Team-Up (Vol. 1) #92, April 1980

History: A baseline human with no superhuman powers, Alan Fagan is the nephew of Larry Cranston, the original Mister Fear. Upon his uncle's death, Alan was bequeathed his Mister Fear paraphernalia and became a professional criminal.

Mr. Fear's gun shoots pellets containing "fear gas," a compound based on flight scent pheromones; inhalation of the gas induces a gradual state of anxiety, fear and eventual outright panic, theoretically rendering victims incapable of resisting Fear's will.

The pellets rupture on contact, their effect lasting anywhere from five to fifteen minutes depending on each victim's physical constitution, and the gas can also be absorbed through the skin at a slower rate; after effects of edginess and mild nausea can persist for days following exposure. Fear once used a hypodermic ring to inject concentrated dosages of his fear compound and occasionally carries other weapons, such as an enerqy-discharge qun; he briefly wore a protective armored exoskeleton. He has access to pheromone variations, including one which renders him exceptionally appealing to women. Although Fear's skin is saturated with fear pheromones as a result of careless research and use, he seems to derive no superhuman powers from this condition.

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