Sunday, June 27, 2021




Real Names: Regan Wyngarde (Lady Mastermind) & Martinique Jason (Mastermind II)
First Appearances: X-Treme X-Men (Vol. 1) #6, December 2001 (Regan); Gambit/Wolverine: Victims (Vol. 1) #1, September 1995 (Martinique)

Powers: Lady Mastermind (left) and Mastermind II (right) are both mutants and paternal half-sisters. They're the daughters of Jason Wyngarde, the mutant illusionist known as Mastermind. They both possess the same mutant power with the same area of skill: Telepathy with a specialization in illusion casting.

They're capable of probing the minds of other people and interacting with them on an astral plane. They can force various kinds of afflictions onto other minds, such as pain, unconsciousness, catatonia, nightmares, infantile regression, etc. Their ability to stimulate responses such as these combines with their illusions to make them seem more real. They can use their powers to appear invisible, disguise their physical appearance and those of other people, or the entire landscape. They can create interactive illusions which completely redefine how someone sees and interacts with their surroundings.

Their telepathy also enables them to condition people so that they don't question the sudden appearances or changes in circumstances caused by their power, even if they seem so fantastic that someone would logically recognize them as not real (especially someone aware of who they're facing). They can also sense other forms of illusion-casting and disperse them, either to their senses or to those of others. Their minds are also innately and highly resistant to hypnosis and other forms of outside suggestion.

1 comment:

sylar10 said...

Some tidbits about them.

Pixie is their younger half-sister since Mastermind is her father as well.

There’s no significant difference ever seen between Regan and Martinique's powers. Although they occasionally used their abilities in ways the other didn’t, it was never indicated that they COULDN’T do whatever the other did:

Martinique used her abilities to stimulate different reactions such as sexual arousal, panic, fear, and so on. She manipulated spatial perceptions to not create a specific illusion per se, but leaving people hopelessly lost or turned around within a given area.

Regan used her power more offensively on occasion, forcing unconsciousness, hallucinations, dementia, or comas on other people. She also indicated her mind was uniquely defensive against illusions, hypnosis, and other forms of mind manipulation. She could extend this defense to her fellow X-Men, freeing them from illusions as well.

Additionally, Martinique Jason debuted in Wolverine / Gambit: Victims and went on to appear in Daredevil and the Dream's End crossover.

Then Chris Claremont decided to use the character. Only he decided her name was Regan Wyngarde now, called her Lady Mastermind, and made her a blonde.

When a brunette Martinique Jason showed up in The Uncanny X-Men within a month or two of Claremont's "Regan Wyngarde" in X-Treme X-Men, it was decided to just call them two different characters for convenience.