Thursday, April 29, 2021




Real Name: Unknown
First Appearance: Power Pack (Vol. 1) #12, July 1985

Powers: Ape’s mutant ability was a near-infinite control over the structuring of his molecules, enabling him to bend and stretch his body in various ways, open holes through his flesh, and assume complex shapes like a vacuum cleaner or a jar with a lid.




Roster (from left to right): Scatterbrain, Ringtoss, Gatecrasher, Yap, Elmo, China Doll, Ferro, Joyboy, Bodybag, Thug, and Numbers

First Appearance: Captain Britain (Vol. 2) #3, March 1985

Powers: Technet and the Special Executive are an interconnected pair of inter-dimensional, time-travelling bounty-hunting teams. While the Special Executive appeared first, they are actually from several hundred years further along in time than the Technet.

Fascination, or Scatterbrain, is a Loom-born with pale green skin, who never seems to touch the ground. She floats constantly, seems to possess superhuman strength (she could carry Captain Britain one-handed under her arm) and is capable of directional hovering. For sustenance, she feeds off of the psycho-emotional activity of living beings. This process seems to be completely passive, and causes no undue effect on the people she is drawing from. Offensively, Scatterbrain's main skill is the ability to expand an opponent's consciousness across the planes of temporal reality. This causes time and light to blast across their perceptions like a kaleidoscope, overwhelming her opponent's sensory capabilities and sending them temporarily into a fugue-like state. On occasion, she has also demonstrated the power to project energy beams from her hands.

Ringtoss is a golden-skinned humanoid with a flat-faced, ring-shaped head. Her head can release bands of energy that encircle around a target and constrict, holding them immobilized. Ringtoss is able to control the energy rings remotely, using them to lift and maneuver a captive through the air. One version of the Ringtoss character was also shown blasting a standard energy beam from her head, and charging her hands with energy so that she could cut through metal.

Gatecrasher is a massive humanoid, possessing superhuman physical strength and resistance to all manner of injury. She also seems to possess some minor form of telepathic communication abilities. Her wrist units are equipped with retractable beam weapons that strike with the force of a cannon blast.

Yap is a scrawny reptilian being who constantly wraps himself around Gatecrasher’s neck. He possesses extra-sensory abilities useful for locating and tracking their quarry. He can lock onto electronic auras from circuitry like Captain Britain’s costume, or the individual brain-wave patterns of different beings. He is also a teleporter, capable of transporting the entire team with pinpoint accuracy across the surface of a planet, thanks to his ESP providing him with spatial senses to feel out his incoming environment and rematerialize in safe and open locations. He can transit merely himself and Gatecrasher, or collect the entire Technet team from various places on a battlefield, sweeping them all away to safety.

Elmo resembles a bi-pedal squid with tentacles. He released a neutralizing effect as a stream of sparkles from his head, which could block out telepathic abilities and presumably other transnormal powers as well. His identical replacement, Waxworks, can negate the rigidity of objects on contact. This effect reduces the firmness of bone structure, turning his victims into a loose, rubbery mass, like Reed Richards without any control -- they find themselves unable to stand, much less move coordinately.

China Doll is quasi-serpentine, with a long flowing tail in place of human legs or a lower body. She also has a prehensile frog-like tongue, which she uses to catch flies or lick up maggots from rotten food to sustain herself. Her primary superhuman ability is to reduce the stature of objects on contact. Her touch causes matter to contract in on itself, reducing proportionately in size. This effect also increases her target's relative density, as their mass is compressed into a smaller volume. When applied against living beings, or other animate objects, this compression stiffens their bodies, making them incapable of moving freely, or even at all if they are reduced enough. Thus, the typical result of China Doll's power is to convert people into tiny statues for her to carry around. Usually, her power is depicted as temporary, wearing off a few minutes or hours after the initial exposure. On one occasion, however, Necrom's pet remained permanently stuck in its figurine state. The unique magical nature of the creature, its apparent death during the process, and the rare accelerated burst of China Doll's power which caused the transfiguration may be responsible for this. It seems China Doll's power must be triggered at a controlled rate to prevent build up of subatomic energy as she compresses the mass. By attempting to exert her reduction effect all at once in a single pulse, the pent up energy will discharge itself violently.

Ferro is a four-armed, slightly dog-faced furry humanoid. He has heightened strength, agility, and reflexes, and is a skilled swordsman capable of parrying with all four arms at once. His feet are also equally as opposable as his hands, allowing him to type at six different computer consoles simultaneously.

Joyboy has the ability to grant people bizarre and warped versions of their greatest desires. He can mentally lock onto these strong psychic emanations from the minds of others, and use this energy as a catalyst to reshape that person's physical reality. When Shadowcat's was stuck in her phased state and her strongest desire was to be solid again, Joyboy caused her to become enormously fat and bloated. Nibel Frobisher admired and lusted after his boss, Courtney Ross, and so Joyboy first transformed him to a hulking he-man that could "dominate" Ross, then transformed him into a spitting image of Ross herself, and then a mixture of both forms at once. It is unknown whether Joyboy's power automatically creates these bizarre renditions, or if he can choose how the warping effect takes a person.

Bodybag is an unusual, slightly snake-like biped who stands on pipe-cleaner legs. He is primarily useful for his ability to paralyze and capture prey. Two protuberances which extend out from his neck can squirt out a paralyzing neuro-toxin, shutting down all conscious neural activity in his opponents and leaving them tranquilized. Bodybag can then swallow the victim whole, using muscle contraction like a snake does to pull them down his highly flexible throat (his head and neck are so malleable, a member of Excalibur popped open an umbrella to full size in his mouth without injuring him). Once his victim is inside him, Bodybag expands a containment pod from his backside, a semi-transparent membrane cocoon that holds his prey in stasis. It is unknown if Bodybag will actually digest his prey over time, or if this bizarre physiological feature is meant for containment alone. He can store three full-sized humans on his back at once. The pods can be sliced apart and the victims freed without Bodybag suffering too much from being slit open.

Thug is a squat green biped, possessing short legs but immensely powerful arms, which give him superhuman physical strength.

Numbers is a large, semi-reptilian humanoid. Though he apparently has a superhuman level of strength and durability, as well as wicked finger claws, he designates himself a non-combatant.




Real Name: Unrevealed
First Appearance: Captain America (Vol. 1) #307, July 1985

Powers: The man who became Madcap was involved in a vehicular accident with a chemical tanker that left him fermenting in a pool of Compound X07 spilled by the tanker's collision. Compound X07 is a chemical mixture of unknown compounds concocted by the Advanced Idea Mechanics and apparently contained enzymes that promoted rapid healing in the human body. His exposure to Compound X07 left him with two separate superhuman powers:

The first is his ability to rapidly heal his own wounds of the flesh, bone, and tissue. Madcap has been observed to mend broken bones rapidly, expel bullets lodged in him, and recover from a variety of lacerations and puncture wounds. He can re-attach dismembered limbs and digits and heal from being burned beyond recognition. He can regenerate brain cells when he sustained an injury to the brain, but apparently he cannot heal the damage done to most of his body's nerve endings that results in his inability to perceive pain. The extent of his tactile sensations is also unknown. He no longer feels pain, and has quickly recovered from every form of physical punishment he has been exposed to since the accident.

Madcap's second superhuman power is the ability to psionically stimulate the inhibition centers in other human beings' brains. By stimulating them, he can cause other people to act in a generally euphoric, uninhibited, outlandish manner. He cannot control the type of behavior his subjects will exhibit; that is dictated by the subjects' own psyches. Apparently a person must establish eye contact with Madcap in order for him to affect his or her brain. It is not known precisely how long a person will be prone to aberrant behavior from a single stimulation of one second's duration. This also may be determined by the individual's psyche and normal inhibition level. Madcap's victims have been observed to act crazily for fifteen minutes to a half hour after a single stimulation. If Madcap were to repeatedly stimulate someone before the effect of the first stimulation wore off, he could keep them acting crazily indefinitely.




Real Name: Unknown
First Appearance: Avengers (Vol. 1) #257, July 1985

Powers: Nebula was converted by extraterrestrial scientist, Dr. Mandibus, into a cyborg. She has an artificial left eye, arm, and shoulder. The upper left quarter of her head and part of her right hip are sheathed in metal. She possesses superhuman strength (Class 25) and durability. She has blasters worn on both wrists that fire both concussive blasts of an unknown form of energy and heat blasts that can incinerate a person almost instantly. She once wore a device that allowed her to disguise her appearance, through either holographic projection or a molecular rearrangement of both her body and clothing.

Nebula briefly possessed unlimited superhuman powers on two occasions: Once, when she was in possession of the Infinity Union, a combination of three devices which could channel all forms of ambient energy into her when together. The second was when she possessed the Infinity Gauntlet holding all six of the Infinity Gems, which gave her seemingly absolute control over reality.

A gifted intellect, she is an excellent battle strategist.




Real Name: Unrevealed
First Appearance: Power Pack (Vol. 1) #12, July 1985

Powers: Erg is a mutant with the power to absorb any ambient and focused energy directed at him and harmlessly metabolize it into his cellular structure. He can tap into existing sources of ambient energy in his environment, drawing a sufficient amount of power from this to maintain a "charge" at all times. He re-channels the energy through his left "electric eye", firing off lightning-like bolts of force. Erg is also capable of bodily absorbing active forms of energy, such as bio-blasts or electrical currents from mechanical systems, if he comes into direct contact with them.




Real Name: Rachel Leighton
First Appearance: Captain America (Vol. 1) #310, October 1985

Powers: Diamondback has no superhuman powers. However, she was trained in hand-to-hand combat at the Taskmaster's academies. She employs a variety of trick throwing diamonds provided to her originally by the Tinkerer. Among the diamonds she carries are razor-tipped, acid, nitro, snake venom, smoke, and sleep drug-filled. Diamond was also forced to undergo a blood transfusion with Captain America's cocaine-laced Super-Soldier blood. The drug's effect eventually was cleansed from her system, but presumably she still has the Super-Soldier Serum elements in her body, since the serum has proven to be virtually impossible to exorcise. Thus, she should possess peak human strength, speed, agility, endurance, and reflexes.




Real Name: Dennis Dunphy
First Appearance: Thing (Vol. 1) #28, October 1985 (as Demolition Dunphy); Captain America (Vol. 1) #328, April 1987 (as the Demolition-Man)

Powers: Dennis Dunphy underwent the Power Broker Process, gaining Superhuman Class 10 strength, endurance, reflexes, speed, and durability. Dr. Karl Malus later subjected him to the same process a second time, drastically increasing his strength but putting a strain on his heart that nearly killed him. Captain America forced Malus to reverse the process, but the Demolition Man still maintains a slightly greater level of strength (Class 25) than he had after the first process.
Demolition-Man is an excellent hand-to-hand combatant, especially in wrestling and in methods of hand-to-hand combat taught him by Captain America.




Real Name: Unknown, possible Delazny
First Appearance: Iron Man (Vol. 1) #194, May 1985

Powers: No known superhuman powers. He wore an all-white coat and hat with a skull-like mask. His standard weaponry was a .50 cal Thompson machine gun with a sawed-off barrel and stock using a special-purpose 5-round magazine. Each .50 cal round was equipped with an acceleration activated, delay-triggered explosive shell.

The first Scourge of the Underworld was an unidentified vigilante hunting down super-villains around the country and executing them. His typical modus operandi was to employ some form of elaborate disguise, approach the villain unsuspectingly, and shoot them with an exploding bullet from his gun. During the so-called "Year of the Scourge", this vigilante killed over 30 super-villains, including 18 in a single massacre at "The Bar With No Name", which ultimately led to his capture by Captain America, and execution by another Scourge. Although the Scourge of the Underworld has been active since then (and later revelations indicated he actually represented an entire organization of Scourges), the Scourge was never again as successful as he was that fateful year, nor were any of his successors.




Real Name: Gilpetperdon
First Appearance: Defenders (Vol. 1) #143, May 1985

Powers: The Runner is a member of the Elders of the Universe, a loose group of individuals numbering among the oldest mortal-born beings in the universe. Each Elder is the last surviving member of his or her respective race, those races being the earliest civilizations to emerge in the cosmos after the Big Bang. The Elders have outlived not only their species, but also their planets and, according to some reports, even the entire galaxies they originate from have long since died out, making way for newer galaxies such as the Milky Way and the Andromeda Galaxy. The Elders each tap into something called the Power Primordial as the source of their immortality and superhuman abilities. The Power Primordial is a form of vast cosmic power, either one of the earliest such forces to emerge after the Big Bang, or a residual force from before the birth of the universe, like the Infinity Gems. It has never been explained how any of the Elders learned of the Power Primordial, or how to tap into it. The immortality bestowed on the Elders by the Power Primordial is inherently derived from their will to live. An Elder must maintain the desire to continue living in order to do so: One Elder's wife literally died of apathy, as she was no longer interested in maintaining her immortal lifespan. In order to retain their immortality, the Elders have each mono-maniacally devoted themselves to a single pursuit or goal, so that they always have something to live for.

The Runner in particular is one of the youngest Elders, only 5 billion years old. He possessed superhuman levels of upper body strength, agility, senses, and reaction time. His dedication to developing his running ability and speed above all else allowed him to use his legs to propel himself on land or through open space at trans-warp speeds, many times the speed of light, with virtually limitless endurance. He was capable of surviving in virtually any environment, was highly resistant to many forms of injury and hyper-regenerative whenever he was injured. The Runner also had the ability to stimulate the pleasure centers of other sentient beings, making them incapable of not liking him. This made him a naturally-gifted manipulator and would throw his opponents off-balance during a fight. At more intense levels, his power could make people virtually incapable of fighting back against him at all. He has demonstrated certain abilities such as projecting force blasts from his head and matter rearranging, but not often. When he was in possession of the Space Gem, he utilized its powers subconsciously to infinitely increase his speed, bending existing space so that he sometimes reached a destination before he finished thinking about it.




Real Name: Rita Wayword
First Appearance: Longshot (Vol. 1) #1, September 1985

Powers: Spiral is the future self of "Ricochet Rita" Wayword, a Hollywood stuntwoman who was attacked by Spiral and then followed the dimensionally-displaced Longshot into Mojoworld. Rita was left there, captured and tortured until insane. At some point in the future, she is physically modified by Longshot's creator Arize and Mojo until she became Spiral. Mojo then sent Spiral back in time to set into motion the events that led to her transformation in the first place.

Rita was bio-cybernetically altered, giving her transformed physical abilities and the capacity for magic. As Spiral, she possesses enhanced levels of strength, stamina, and reflexes, and has a total of six arms, two of which are partially bionic. Her magical powers are called upon and directed through an elaborate series of gestures and gyrations that resemble dancing. Her most common ability is the power to navigate dimensional pathways in order to travel through time and space, or between dimensional planes. Spiral can assault her opponents with spells that create concussive force, shatter solid materials, trigger temporary or permanent loss of superhuman powers, immobilize her victims or instantly renders them unconscious. She can also create solid force fields as domes or disks for protection. Spiral has mystical senses allowing her to detect a wide variety of things such as energy signatures, familiar psi-patterns, mystical occurrences, etc. She frequently employs a set of razor sharp swords or dagger in battle.

Spiral's mind has been shattered and rebuilt many times, and her memories come and go as she travels through dimensions. She frequently has limited knowledge of the future to come, but her knowledge of the past may be just as limited. At some point in time, she will create the inter-dimensional Body Shoppe that her earlier self has managed, and through it she can physically and mentally transform beings into whatever she desires.

Monday, April 26, 2021




Real Name: Burchell Clemens
First Appearance: Captain America (Vol. 1) #310, October 1985

Powers: Cottonmouth has had his neck and jaw cybernetically enhanced. His teeth have been reconstructed with steel, with four especially sharpened fangs as his canines. His multi-jointed jaw is capable of opening up larger than a human head, and can snap shut with enough strength to decapitate or dismember a normal human, or seriously damage stronger materials. He possesses Superhuman Class 10 strength in his jaw muscles and his steel teeth can bite with sufficient force to crush substances as durable as cinderblock. He can even deform metals softer than iron and hang a rope by his teeth for more than an hour.




Real Name: Silver Sablinova
First Appearance: The Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #265, June 1985

Powers: No superhuman powers, the Silver Sable is a normal human trained extensively in all forms of hand-to-hand combat and has mastered a variety of weapons.

Due to her association with the Wild Pack (professional soldiers hunting Nazi war criminals) and the Symkarian government, the Silver Sable has the latest technology and equipment at her disposal, along with an extensive manpower force. She sometimes uses a katana sword and the Chai, a half-moon weighted projectile of her own design.

She is the owner of Silver Sable International, a for-profit corporation specializing in bounty hunting and as a security force for the eastern European Kingdom of Symkaria. Since Silver Sable International is Symkaria's chief source of revenue, she has considerable financial resources and is able to hire specialized assistance, offer full compensation for damages caused by her employees in the course of a contract, and provide full benefits for her employees.




Real Name: Unknown
First Appearance: Power Pack (Vol. 1) #12, July 1985

Powers: Tar Baby's mutant power was the ability to secrete a powerful adhesive through his pores that caused anything to stick to him on contact.

He could also neutralize the effect within minutes by oxidizing the tar, allowing the stuck objects to be removed from his person.




Real Name: David Charles Haller
First Appearance: The New Mutants (Vol. 1) #25, March 1985

Powers: Legion’s mutant ability is to manifest new mutant powers at will, altering his own genetic code to both support and develop any super-power or set of super-powers he can imagine. His initial power manifestation was so traumatic that it splintered his mind into multiple personalities, with each personality controlling a different mutant power. He formerly utilized a wrist keypad to focus his power, enabling him to summon his abilities without the personality associated with them for a short period of time.

An omega-level mutant, he has demonstratd the following abilities over the years: Telepathy, telekinesis, pyrokinesis, superhuman strength, speed, x-ray vision, clairvoyance, teleportation, empathic amplification & force conversion, shape-shifting, mass-shifting, lycanthropy, heat-siphoning, sonic scream, flight, spear-like arms, elastic and prehensile tongue, animation of unliving materials, transmuting matter into salt, acoustic blasts, electrical blasts, viral genetic pattern, corrosive bile, time-travel, time manipulation, and pocket reality construction.




Real Name: Jonathan Ohnn
First Appearance: Peter Parker, The Spectacular Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #98, January 1985

Powers: Jonathan Ohnn was a scientist in the Kingpin's employ looking to recreate the powers of Cloak and Dagger. Instead of accessing the Dark or Darkforce Dimensions, however, his experiments pinpointed in on the neighboring Spotted Dimension, a realm of infinite white space dotted with black "spots" that acted as portals. By stepping through the portal he had harnessed, Ohnn transformed his entire body into a bleach-white complexion with those portals adhering to his skin.

Originally, Spot's body was covered with spatial warps in the form of black spots. Anything striking the black portions of his body would harmlessly displace into the Spotted Dimension, either getting lost there or returning to Earth back through another of the spots. Spot could rearrange the spots on his body, changing their arrangement or making them larger or smaller. By consolidating all spot warps into a single place on his stomach, he could return to his otherwise normal appearance. Spot could physically remove the spots from his skin, manually reshape them to become larger or smaller, and then cast them off. He could place spots on solid surfaces to rest, or throw them into the air and let the weightless portals rest in mid-air where they fell. Spot's teleportation ability was originally very limited, designed as a point-to-point transport system. Essentially, by traveling through the Spotted Dimension, he could only move from one existing "spot" to another on Earth. He could not teleport to places he had never been before, and could only reach places he had been before if he left behind one of his spots as a touchstone for future travel. He could leave nearly undetectable spots the size of a dot in a location, then expand the portal large enough to accommodate him when he needed to use it later. In combat situations, the Spot often scattered a series of portals in the field of battle, striking his fists through them in order to surprise his opponents with a punch from nowhere. Because his fists existed in another dimension until the moment he struck, even Daredevil's radar sense and Spider-Man's spider-sense were unable to anticipate the danger. Spot only had a finite number of spots to call upon. The more spots he removed and scattered over an area, the less existed on his skin. This left him vulnerable to harm without any portals to absorb and displace attacks directed against his person. However, all of these limitations to the Spot's abilities were largely ignored after his first few appearances.

He became capable of generating spot portals at will, teleporting places he had never been before and that contained no existing spots at that location. He gained a greater skill for rearranging the spots on his body instantly, using them defensively or for counterattacks, like reversing the direction of Spider-Man's punches so a spot on Spot absorbed his fist, only for it to reappear from a portal facing the opposite direction, causing Spider-Man to punch himself in the face. Spot could also remove himself from ropes or bonds at will by causing the spots on his body to grow like ink flowing over his skin, motionlessly teleporting himself to the Spotted Dimension instead of manually entering a portal.
Dr. Jonathan Ohnn is a genius-level intellect who holds a Ph.D. in engineering.




Real Name: Mojo
First Appearance: Longshot (Vol. 1) #3, November 1985

Powers: Hailing from a dimension later known as the Mojoverse, Mojo is a member of the Spineless Ones, a race of dominant life forms lacking spines and driven mad by television transmissions received from Earth. A native scientist named Arize developed a process to graft spines to the Spineless Ones, giving them mobility though most refused. He also created a race of synthetic humanoids based on the humans seen in the broadcasts.

Mojo eventually rose to power to become ruler of this dimension and constructed a society based on the television projections. Discovering that controlling the broadcasts to his race’s minds and getting high ratings meant more control of the government, Mojo enslaved the humanoid race and began featuring them in various productions.

Mojo has mystical powers apparently native to his race. He produces an anti-life force, a decaying effect that radiates from his body to damage organic tissue and living beings who come into contact with him and, on Earth, has an exponentially growing effect on the environment. Mojo's presence on Earth can cause any and all living things in his area to wither and die, and the potency and range of this anti-life force increases the longer he is on Earth. He possesses considerable physical strength in his arms, and can fire concussive blasts from his hands.

Mojo possesses technology capable of controlling minds, forcing others to carry out his commands and act according to his "scripts." It can amplify his mind control to a planetary scale, create artificial life-forms, as well as vast complex sets for the productions he films.

Non-ambulatory due to being a vastly overweight invertebrate, Mojo uses a platform with spider-like legs, and a mechanical tail that can fire powerful blasts. Though dangerously cunning, Mojo is also highly irrational.




Roster (from left to right): Anodyne (Madelyne Pryor-Summers); Master Builder (Paul Domenic); Earthshaker (Jeanne Chretien); Lore Lord (Samuel Ross); Cornucopia (Carla Ballenger); Brawler (Jacques Moreau); Beastmaster (Boyd Wilson); Pathfinder (Nick Rodriguez); and Lord of the Plants (Philip Descard).

First Appearance: X-Men & Alpha Flight (Vol. 1) #1, December 1985

Powers: The "Berzerkers" received magically-inclined superhuman abilities after exposure to Loki's Fire Fountain. The Fire Fountain transformed the internal magic of a human being into an external expression, often causing personal aspects of someone's character to manifest as magical powers. The Berzerkers generally became larger and stronger than they were as normal humans as well, even if their gift did not relate to physical power. The side effect of the Fire Fountain was that it consumed the internal magic of people in order to create its effects, leaving those it transformed unable to imagine, dream, or create. The effects of the Fire Fountain were eventually reversed, turning those affected back into normal people.

As Anodyne, Madelyne Pryor became a healer. She generated a healing flame that, through contact, could repair any form of injury or illness in others (and likely herself). She could undo physical injuries, wipe away fever or disease, even eliminate fatigue to restore someone's stamina. In addition, Anodyne's power could erase mental or psychological problems, such as Aurora's personality disorder and Wolverine's berserker rage, leaving the latter unrestricted by his animal instincts. She could alter superhuman abilities from uncontrollable to controllable, as she did with Rogue's touch or Cyclops's optic blasts. She could even undo curses or purely mystical inflictions, such as Puck's "dwarfism" or the corrupting influence of Tanaraq on Sasquatch's psyche.
The Master Builder was an architect able to animate and reshape unliving materials. Prior to exposure to the Fire Fountain, he had a notebook filled with elaborately designed buildings and structures, and his power enabled him to form these structures seemingly out of nothing. The magical nature of his power means he may have literally conjured his structures from nothing, or perhaps he merely made use of nearby raw materials. Once created, he could also manipulate his structures in simple ways, such as barring a door or causing a walkway to move on its own. His lost internal magic meant that the Builder could only create things he had seen or remembered, though -- actual creation of new designs was beyond his abilities once he received his powers.
Earthmover was a geologist who developed power over rock and earth. She could animate large or small masses of geological material, forcibly pushing them in a given direction to create mudslides or speeding rocks. She could also manipulate tectonic activity to create earthquakes, cause cave-ins, and so on.

Lore Lord was a living library, able to access knowledge simply by focusing his mind on a given topic or chronicle. It was said that the "knowledge of the ages" flowed through him, meaning he could mentally recall "every book ever written, every story ever told". It was unconfirmed whether he merely meant every human book or story, but he could recollect vast amounts of information on any topic, translate languages, etc.
Cornucopia could conjure food and clothing at will. She could mend existing sets of clothes, or alter them in considerable detail to produce new garments. The mechanism by which she created food was never shown, but she could apparently summon an endless supply and variety of food out of thin air. Like Master Builder, though, Cornucopia could not create new recipes or clothing styles. She could only replicate what she saw or could otherwise remember.

Brawler demonstrated tremendous strength, endurance, and resistance to physical injury, even for the naturally powerful Berzerkers.

Beastmaster had a natural affinity for the animal kingdom. He could communicate with animal life and direct animals to carry out actions on his command. His abilities extended to Wolverine's animal side, allowing him to temporarily manipulate Logan's actions and blank out portions of his memory.

Pathfinder was noted to be a tracker, but his abilities were never fully shown. It's likely he had highly acute senses, the ability to detect spore and other traces of an animal or objects passing, and even a supernatural sense of direction or homing ability.

The Lord of the Plants was botanist by trade who gained the ability to manipulate plant life, causing it to grow at an accelerated rate and respond to his mental commands.

*The group was only referred to as "Berzerkers" in solicitation and promotional material, and never in the story itself.




Real Name: Guido Carosella
First Appearance: The New Mutants (Vol. 1) #29, July 1985

Powers: Strong Guy’s mutant power is to absorb kinetic energy and convert it into physical power. By processing the force behind any impact, his body directs that kinetic energy into his muscles, causing them to swell and increase his strength, endurance and durability to superhuman levels for a short time. This effect is somewhat unstable in his system, though. Guido's body cannot handle the adverse changes to his physiology for extended periods of time. Although his strength increases on impact, he cannot long store the absorbed kinetic energy. He must physically expend it (by striking a target with an amount of force equal to the energy he absorbed) within 90 seconds. The original impact that triggered his powers during puberty left his muscles bloated and disfigured permanently, and he will be in constant pain for the rest of his life.

As a result, Strong Guy now permanently stands over seven feet tall and weighs over 700 lbs, most of it from the extremely dense muscles in his upper body. He possesses a baseline level of superhuman class 50 strength and a superhuman resistance to injury, which can be increased via his power. The upper limit to his power is determined by the rest of his body's ability to handle the energy; absorbing several amounts of kinetic energy in short order once over-strained his heart. However, the mutant known as Forge invented a pacemaker surgically implanted into Guido's heart that directs kinetic energy to it, ensuring that it grew in proportion to his other muscles and to prevent further health problems. His limit has been raised because of the implant, as he has lifted well in excess of 100 tons when highly charged.

Guido Carosella holds a bachelor of fine arts degree in drama from New York University. He is both a talented musical comedy actor and stand-up comedian. He is extremely nearsighted and wears thick corrective lenses. He is also a formidable hand to hand combatant, skilled in using street fighting techniques.




Real Name: Antonio Rodriguez
First Appearance: Captain America (Vol. 1) #308, August 1985

Powers: Antonio Rodriguez was subjected to an experimental process by Dr. Karl Malus that combined genetic material from an armadillo with his genes. The process caused the his strength to increase drastically, his skin to transform into a tough, organic armored plate, and his hands to grow thick tough claws.

Dubbed the Armadillo, Rodriguez possesses superhuman strength (Class 25), a high degree of resistance to bodily harm, and sharp claws on his hands and feet. The armor plating and tough hide covering his entire body enabling him to withstand the force of ballistic weaponry up to light anti-tank weapons without penetration. His skin can withstand brief exposure to flame, ice, and acid without damage. His bones and muscles have been augmented to such a degree that he can withstand the impact of being hit by a truck carrying ten tons of cargo traveling at 60 miles per hour without serious injury. The Armadillo possesses superhuman endurance as well, enabling him to exert himself at peak capacity for over and hour before fatigue begins to impair his performance. Despite his mass, he can move as quickly as a normal sized athletically inclined man.

The Armadillo's claws are strong enough to rend gouges in cinderblock and medium-density steel with minimal wear on the nails. Coupled with his great strength, he can break through a standard 4-inch steel-reinforced cinderblock wall in a matter of seconds, or dig a hole in the earth deep enough to fit his entire body in less than a minute.

Sunday, April 25, 2021




Real Name: Quincy McIver
First Appearance: Captain America (Vol. 1) #310, October 1985

Powers: Quincy McIver was a quadriplegic amputee who lost his limbs in a boating accident while evading police authorities. He later underwent a surgical procedure to restore his mobility. He was bionically enhanced, with new arms replacing his lost ones and a 14' long snake-like tail attached to his lower abdomen and replacing his legs. By rapid muscular contractions along the length of his tail, he can travel up to 40 miles per hour, or move even faster for short jumps by coiling and releasing his tail like a spring. He can wrap his tail around someone and constrict to cut off their oxygen supply. By wrapping his tail into a tight coil and making a sudden lunging motion, he can move a little over 18 feet in just two seconds. Though his body is not designed for lifting great weights, he does have superhuman strength (Class 40) in his bionic arms, and can squeeze his hands like a vise. The bionic motors in his artificial arms and tail respond to his nerve impulses.

Bushmaster occasionally straps foot-long fang blades onto the backs of his hands, which are razor sharp and tipped with a powerful poison derived from snake venom.



Real Name: Adrian Leverkuhn Castorp
First Appearance: The New Defenders (Vol. 1) #142, April 1985
Powers: Adrian Castorp was a mutant whose mutation gave him polydactylism (he had six fingers on each hand) and a photo-allergenic disorder that left him sensitive to light, so much so that he required special eye glasses (without them, he could visually perceive his environment only as patterns of infrared light).

His mutation also left him with a degenerative nerve disorder which caused him to randomly lose motor control. His friends, Art Wagner and Helen Williams, designed an exoskeletal amplification system for Adrian to wear underneath his clothes. The system was designed with a built-in power pack that restored his mobility and granted him superhuman prowess.

Adrian Castorp was also a skilled piano player.