Thursday, December 28, 2023




Real Name: Albert Louis
First Appearance: Alpha Flight (Vol. 1) #118, March 1993

Powers: Feedback is a mutant capable of producing bio-electrical energy in various forms, and absorbing outside forms of electromagnetic force directed at him to increase his energy reserves.

He can radiate electrical surges from his skin, or direct the energy out in blasts from his fingertips. Albert can also produce tangible energy fields shaped from his electricity, which could be used for protection or made into animated shapes like a giant, solid fist or his "shocktroopers".

The "shocktroopers" are humanoid masses of electricity with the full range of movement that can physically interact with objects, yet produce high-voltage electricity enough to stun or kill a man on contact. These "shocktroopers" are an inherent aspect of Feedback's powers and not a skill he has cultivated: He subconsciously manifested them before his powers had even stabilized after their initial development, and demonstrated no difficulty or need for concentration to direct their actions. Though they don't speak or demonstrate individual traits or thought, it's possible the "shocktroopers" are actually created with a semi-autonomous portion of Feedback's mind directing them, allowing them to maintain and operate more or less independently of Albert's own active mind.

Tuesday, June 13, 2023




Real Name: Nathaniel Carver
First Appearance: Generation X (Vol. 2) #1, July 2017

Powers: Hindsight possesses the mutant power of psychometry.

Through physical contact, he is able to read the history of any person or object. Nathaniel can read the psychic residue left on objects by past events, allowing him to potentially read the thoughts people were having in the past when they touched the object. Hindsight also gets a full-immersive experience when touching people, automatically providing him with their memories over a wide period to experience them all at once.





Real Name: Christopher Muse
First Appearance: All-New X-Men (Vol. 1) #1, January 2013

Powers: Triage has the mutant ability to manipulate entropic forces. This allows him to heal himself and others on contact or through close proximity. His power operates through an infusion of life-force energy, similar to Dagger. This excess living energy is absorbed by the injured party and turned towards revitalizing them and accelerating the natural healing processes of the body. Not only can he heal almost any injury, Triage can even restore the recently deceased by rekindling the energy of life inside their bodies with his life-force infusions. If he catches someone a few moments after death, they will fully recover as if they hadn't died at all.

If someone has been dead for a period of time, however, Triage cannot fully reverse the cellular decay which sets in after the body fails. Instead, he creates something akin to a zombie, reanimating the deceased's physical frame and at least an echo of their mind. The life-force cannot be rekindled in bodies like this, so it seems more like Triage's energy infusion serves as an independent animating force for the "zombie". Having only done so once, it's unknown how long a person will last in this state, but presumably it would be only a temporary reanimation as the life-force infusion fades.