Thursday, November 10, 2022





Roster (from top to bottom): Skyhawk (Winston Manchester); Earth Lord (Kyle Brock); and Wind Warrior (Pamela Shaw)

First Appearance: The Mighty Thor (Vol. 1) #395, September 1988

History and Powers: The Earth Force is a team of three human beings who were granted superhuman powers by the Heliopolitan death god, Seth. The leading gods of Heliopolis were once worshipped by the people of ancient Egypt.

Policeman Kyle Brock, businessman Winston Manchester, and housewife Pamela Shaw were all patients in the same New York City hospital to which the injured Asgardian god, Hogun, had been brought. Brock had been shot by criminals, Manchester had been hospitalized due to overwork, and Shaw had attempted suicide after her baby had died and her husband had left her.

Seth brought the three patients to his own "dimension of death," healed them, and infused the three with energy to mutate them into superhumanly powered forms, claiming he wanted to transform them into "a force to preserve and protect the Earth." Thus, Brock became Earth Lord, Manchester became Skyhawk, and Shaw became Wind Warrior.

Skyhawk possesses superhuman size, strength (Class 10), and can fly by means of his powerful under arm-to-rib cage wings.

Earth Lord possesses superhuman size, strength (Class 100), and his power draws strength and mass from the ground to become a giant. Besides his superhuman strength, he is highly resistant to physical injury.

Wind Warrior possesses superhuman size, strength (Class 10), and can transform her body to become winds and whirlwinds of strengths ranging up to tornado force. She can fly by summoning winds strong enough to bear her aloft.

Wednesday, September 28, 2022





Real Name: Maximillian Stone
First Appearance: Iron Man (Vol. 1) #298, November 1993

Powers: Dr. Maximillian Stone was the Project Director of Stark Enterprises' Acheron Mountain Geothermal Research Facility which was designed inside of an extinct volcano to study geothermal energy. An earthquake occurred which impacted the facility's drill core. In order to prevent the facility from being flooded by magma, Dr. Stone attempted to shut down the drill manually by entering the facility's core level deep within the volcano. An additional tremor created a chasm, and Dr. Stone fell into a layer of magma. Dr. Stone was rescued by a sentient entity of living magma that had been drawn to the local magma currents caused by the drilling rig. Weakened by the cooler magma layer the entity had found itself in, the entity could not maintain Dr. Stone's life for long and would soon die. The entity proposed an alternative: To combine their forms, both physically and mentally, in order to survive. Dr. Stone agreed, and the entity formed a rocky cocoon that enveloped them both. Soon after, their essence became the rocky entity which called itself Earth-Mover.

As Earth-Mover,
his body was composed entirely of rock. He had superhuman strength and durability. If damaged or broken, his body could reform itself. He could liquefy by raising his temperature to shift from solid rock into magma. While in his magma form, he could liquefy other rock in his area on contact, assimilating it to become a larger and stronger rock form when he reverted to solid state. Although Earth-Mover still possessed the intellect and faculties of Dr. Stone, he was unable at that time to clearly vocalize his thoughts.

Dr. Maximillian Stone was a gifted intellect with a Ph.D. in geophysics. He was a geothermal scientist with expertise in drilling technology.

Tuesday, September 20, 2022





Real Name: Irina Clayton
First Appearance: New X-Men (Vol. 1) #119, December 2001

Powers: Choir is a mutant who possesses at least 4 mouths scattered over the surface of her neck. Each mouth is comprised of the vestibule and the oral cavity proper, and contains lips, teeth, tongue, salivary glands all connected to superhumanly enhanced lungs, throat, and vocal tract.

Her mutant power is to manipulate her voice in abnormal ways. She can create multiple sounds with different melodies and sonic signatures, resembling multiple voices appearing from different locations. She also demonstrated the ability to harmonize, creating a series of several voices that should be impossible for a normal human's voice box and can do so while maintaining a conversation using her main mouth.

Wednesday, August 17, 2022





Real Name: Vincent
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 1) #49, October 1968

Powers: Mesmero has the mutant power of ultra-hypnosis, a psionic ability enabling him use eye-to-eye contact to place other people into a highly-suggestible state where they are extremely open to influence from him. This enables him to control his victims through powerful mental commands that can compel specific actions or specific behavior patterns from them. He can tell people to fall asleep, to hand over their weapon, to remain where they are, etc, and the hypnotic suggestion will be too powerful to resist. His influence over behavior allows him to convince people to do anything he asks without questioning their own reasons for doing so. He can command people to remain his willing slaves, create false memories or personalities for them to act out, or convince them to suddenly feel a different way about a topic or person. Mesmero can also psionically trigger intense pain and anguish in people simply by wishing it, construct mental blocks preventing them from ever accessing certain memories or carrying out certain actions, and create lasting illusions in the minds of others that convince them that they or someone else looks quite different than they actually do.

Sunday, August 7, 2022



Real Name: Paul Pierre Duval
First Appearance: Journey Into Mystery (Vol. 1) #107, August 1964

Powers: Originally a baseline human with no superhuman powers, French chemist Paul Pierre Duval was working as a lab assistant when he accidentally spilled a random chemical mixture on his right hand, transforming it into a stone-like substance. He soon discovered that this hand's touch could turn people and objects to stone, and that he could become a being of living, mobile stone by applying this power to himself. Turning to crime, Duval accumulated a fortune but soon wearied of his new wealth and set a new goal: immortality. Duval terrorized New York as the Grey Gargoyle.

The touch of Duval's right hand can transform anyone or anything into immobile, granite-like stone. By applying his hand to his own flesh, Duval can transform into living stone, fully mobile unlike his victims. His stone form is superhumanly strong (able to lift 11 tons when fully transformed) and similarly durable, far more durable than conventional stone. He has shrugged off bullets, flames and explosions with little or no damage; he can smash through steel doors; and he once formed a stone shell, which enabled him to survive the heat of reentering Earth's atmosphere from space.

Superhumanly resistant to most impacts and temperature/pressure extremes, the Grey Gargoyle apparently has little or no need for air, food or water in his stone form, and can survive for weeks or months at a time in conditions such as the ocean floor or the vacuum of space. On the rare occasions when he suffers significant physical damage in stone form, he can usually largely or completely heal himself upon reversion to human form, so long as his affected parts are restored to their proper configuration beforehand. He retains his normal human reflexes and speed in his stone-like state, and is surprisingly swift and agile despite his massive bulk. He has performed standing high-jumps of well over 20 feet, and broad jumps of well over 50 feet. He can often scale sheer walls by digging his fingers into the masonry, and he can produce sparks by striking his stone hands or fingers together like a flint.

Duval’s right hand is permanently transformed into stone, though he sometimes disguises its physical state with flesh-like gloves. Physical contact with his right hand instantly converts whatever it touches into a stone-like substance, an atom-by-atom transformation affecting both organic and inorganic matter, and even some forms of energy. The maximum volume of matter he can transform with a single touch has increased over time, and is currently well over 100 cubic feet (enabling him, for instance, to fully transform an automobile or an elevator car with a single touch); an average human being possesses a volume of 1.8 cubic feet. This transformation process is largely automatic; unless Duval consciously wills it to do otherwise, his hand will transform the maximum amount of material in contact with him whether he wishes it to do so or not. Over time, he has learned to partially restrain the effect through an act of concentration. For instance, turning only part of a person or an object to stone on contact. Without that conscious effort, his touch will instantly petrify most people or objects in their entirety.

The transformation effect can sometimes be interrupted if portions of his target are radically dissimilar to each other in terms of their physical substance, or not closely connected to each other on a material level; for instance, if he petrifies an armored man, the armor might turn to stone while the man inside remains normal. Also, materially similar substances in contact with each other (but not physically bonded) will not necessarily both be transformed it one of them comes into contact with Duval's hand. For instance, in the case of two people in contact with each other, only the one in contact with Duval would be turned to stone, since the people's two bodies are not molecularly contiguous. Some materials, usually soft, fibrous and/or thin, such as clothing, occasionally prove "transparent" to the transformation process, allowing it to occur both to the material and through the material; for instance, touching a person through their sleeve usually enables the Grey Gargoyle to transform that person in his or her entirety, though sufficiently thick outer coatings (like armor) might protect their wearer from this effect.

Duval's transformations last for about an hour, after which time the transformed people or objects revert to their normal state. Repeated touching cannot increase the amount of time a transformation lasts, though a target can always be transformed again after reverting to normal. Certain super-beings with healing factors or otherwise enhanced metabolisms may be partially resistant to Duval's touch, regaining their normal form within less than an hour. People transformed by Duval are often temporarily disoriented upon returning to normal, but otherwise unharmed. Each transformed object or person is as susceptible to damage as ordinary granite statuary while in that form, and can be smashed or otherwise broken. Duval once employed a variant of the chemical mixture that transformed him; applied to another person, this variant could turn its victim into conscious, mobile living stone like Duval himself, and Duval could mentally control that person's actions. More recently, Duval has created a special polymer coating that will sustain his transformations indefinitely when applied to the people or objects he has petrified, using this to create his "artwork", however, any breach of the polymer seal, even slight chipping, will restore the transformed person or object to normal. Duval initially required occasional applications of the original chemical that transformed him in order to sustain his stone powers, but his mutation stabilized enough years ago to make any such treatments unnecessary.

The Grey Gargoyle prevents unwanted transformations by wearing a specially treated glove that is non-conductive to his power. The glove's palm has a small opening that allows him to use his power at any time. He has sometimes demonstrated a self-proclaimed capacity for "limited flight," which may be a combination of his leaping abilities and a cape specially rigged for gliding. He often uses the objects he has transformed as projectile weapons, making even a paper airplane, for instance, potentially deadly when turned to stone and thrown with Duval's superhuman strength. An expert chemist with a master’s degree in chemistry, he has limited skill in unarmed combat.

Tuesday, August 2, 2022





Real Name: Clayton Wilson
First Appearance: Sub-Mariner (Vol. 1) #66, July 1973 (Unnamed); Sub-Mariner (Vol. 1) #68, October 1973 (As Force)

Powers: A baseline human with no superhuman powers, Clayton Wilson was a graduate student at Empire State University working as an assistant to Dr. Damon Walthers, who developed a prototype force field projector. Sensing its potential for personal gain, Wilson stole the device, incorporated it into a battlesuit he developed and took on the professional criminal identity of “Force”.

Force's armor is composed of a high impact, lightweight, titanium steel alloy meshing with a high resistance to injury, corrosion, and heat. The armor amplifies his strength to superhuman levels, enabling him to lift 15 tons. The armor features an internal air supply lasting over two hours, and the armor can be sealed for travel through low oxygen or underwater environments and contains temperature insulators and regulators. The armor's computer system includes a sophisticated subspace/satellite radio communications array, which can also provide local radio signals, and world maps projected inside a sophisticated faceplate within the helmet. It is powered by nano-silicon wafer-thin solar power receptors deposited on all surfaces, which converts sunlight into electrical energy stored in high density cryogenic flat batteries.

The armor contains highly miniaturized generators that can create energy for a variety of effects including creating solid force fields for himself or others. Force can discharge pure force bolts that gain strength the further they travel. These can penetrate 2" thick steel at close range, and the discharge of the bolts can be adjusted to lower levels. Force can meld objects into steel by emitting a force pulse into the object itself, causing no damage to the object in the process. By surrounding his armored fists with force fields, Force can increase the amount of concussive force of his punches, enough to engage in hand-to-hand combat with superhumanly powerful beings such as Namor. Force can also project force fields strong enough to support up to 25 tons and able to resist concussive force of approximately up to 80,000 bs. per second. Force has been known to generate force fields at a size up to 20 feet in diameter. However, given a large enough power supply, Force can create a force field large enough to engulf an entire city.

Force can electrify any force field he creates, sufficient to disrupt the nervous system of a normal person, causing death. Force can discharge an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) that can shut down electronic devices within a 50-yard radius. The armor contains EMI (electromagnetic interference) shielding, which automatically protects the armor from the effects of an EMP discharge or attack. Each boot of the armor contains two miniature magnetically powered turbines, which compress air into thrust, enabling Force to fly at speeds of Mach 1.2 (960 mph) and for 4,500 miles without having to recharge.

Force's first armor discharged its energy from a projector on his helmet and was controlled by adjusting levels on his belt. It was powered by solar powered thermo-electric cells located in his belt. Force's second armor was composed of a high impact, lightweight, titanium steel alloy meshing with a body suit woven out of steel meshing. It contained high-intensity concussion grenades within its utility belt and had a slightly lower efficient weapons system. The armor possessed a Safelok that blocked outside communications; unless deactivated when it was removed, the weapon system power supply was released internally, electrocuting the wearer. Clayton Wilson is an expert in physics and engineering, specifically the generation of force fields.

Thursday, July 7, 2022




Real Name: Drom
First Appearance: Marvel Team-Up (Vol. 1) #31, December 1974

Powers: Drom's infant form was, by unknown means, exchanged through time with his future elder self minutes after his birth. For 45 years, he lived in seclusion and growing younger with a vampiric need for energy.

Drom lived, aged, spoke, and metabolized food in reverse. He created conversion machines to make food edible and his speech comprehensible, though he still understood and perceived the present flow of time normally. His body could absorb physical energy from a distance or energy from organic matter by touch, causing immediate decay. His metabolic disruptor could break down and siphon cellular energy. His chronal gun decayed obiects, created a four-armed sand creature and knocked Spider-Man unconscious. He used high- powered binoculars and a mirror that helped hold him in time.




Real Name: Katrina Luisa Van Horn
First Appearance: Marvel Team-Up (Vol. 1) #8, January 1973 (As Man-Killer); Thunderbolts (Vol. 1) #67, September 2002 (As Amazon)

Powers: Katrina Van Horn was a German Olympic skier who was crippled and left horribly scarred during a skiing challenge against a male chauvinistic competitor. Becoming a fanatical misandrist with financial support from a wealthy militant feminist group (which itself was technologically and financially supported by the male-dominated subversive terrorist science organization known as the Advanced Idea Mechanics), Katrina underwent a physical rehabilitation program to regain her mobility and was outfitted with an exoskeleton which augmented her strength and hid her scars, she became the terrorist known as the Man-Killer.

The Man-Killer is superhumanly strong (she can lift up to 75 tons) with enhanced durability.
These traits originally stemmed from her strength-enhancing exoskeleton, but the power now seems to rest in her own body. How she eliminated the need for her exoskeleton remains unknown, as does how she removed the extensive scarring that had previously disfigured her body. Shortly before and during her Ultimate Brawling League stint, she wore an armored harness, claiming it was a life-support mechanism that she could not remove, but this may have been a deception since she has not worn the harness before or since that brief period. Van Horn has some ability as an organizer and strategist, is a formidable but savage unarmed combatant, and has cultivated a certain degree of acting ability during her time spent working under various cover identities.

She is an experienced bartender. Van Horn has worn a gauntlet that generates Pym Particles, enabling her to assume gigantic size (apparently up to twenty-five feet tall), further enhancing her already superhuman strength, though this may have been a temporary ability. She formerly carried razor-edged discs that she could throw with great force and accuracy. While working with her feminist army, Man-Killer employed a flying, armored hovercraft outfitted with a powerful front-mounted battering ram and a roof-mounted energy cannon.

Monday, May 30, 2022




Real Name: Amadeus Cho
First Appearance: Amazing Fantasy (Vol. 2) #15, November 2005 (As Amadeus Cho); Totally Awesome Hulk (Vol. 1) #1, December 2015 (As Hulk); Champions (Vol. 2) #22, July 2018 (As Brawn)

Powers: Amadeus Cho is a hypermind, possessing a reoccurring form of superhuman intelligence that manifests from time to time in humanity. His mind is capable of simultaneously performing infinite calculations, allowing him to observe and assimilate virtually all available data in his environment. This form of "light-speed mathematics" allows Amadeus to instantly compute highly complex equations for things like triangulation and trajectory. For instance, Amadeus was once inside a ship while the villain Artume stood out of sight on top of it, while Hercules and his allies charged at her. A quick glance out the window allowed Amadeus to plot Hercules' line-of-sight to Artume, letting him calculate exactly where to shoot upwards through the ship to hit the villain. He can also compute vectors for any projectile, letting him throw objects or otherwise set them into motion for a series of coordinated bounces and ricochets, like Cap's shield or Daredevil's club, and also enabling him to dodge bullets, shrapnel and other assaults by predicting their flight path.

For more advanced pattern recognition, Amadeus can also observe and catalogue behaviorisms and reactions in others, predicting how they will react in different situations to certain stimuli. This enables him to anticipate the actions of other people (he can do so to a substantially greater degree the more familiar he is with them), and even influence their behavior by knowingly introducing stimuli that he knows will guide them towards performing certain actions. Cho's intelligence has allowed him to absorb and store vast amounts of information in his young life, giving him encyclopediac knowledge on multiple subjects and skill sets.

The ultimate expression of Amadeus's hypermind, however, is his ability to read and measure the quantum probability acting upon the universe. By recognizing the outcomes of any given situation, Cho can choose from the potential quantum states available and engineer the outcome most favorable to him. Although quantum mechanics would technically define this as the observation and manipulation of reality, Amadeus cannot influence probability or events simply by willing it -- his hypermind only allows him to calculate the infinite of possible actions he could take at any given time, read the outcome of each of his actions, and then actually carry out the most favorable action in reality. For some reason, Amadeus Cho's hypermind is dependent on saturated fats and sugar to function. Excess calculation can drain his intelligence, giving him normal mental abilities until he manages to "recharge" by eating more junk food.

Amadeus was known for using different forms of technology to supplement his intelligence and activities. He carried a specially-modified GameBoy able to hack into virtually any nearby system, allowing him to monitor security systems, access encrypted information, or remotely seize control of various forms of computers or technology. He employed modified versions of BannerTech and LeaderTech teleportation and personal force field equipment. Amadeus also carried a version of Hercules's Adamantine mace capable of absorbing energy from attacks striking his force field and rechanneling the energy as blasts from the mace's head. For a time, Amadeus incorporated some of his technology into a Calvin Klein business suit. The on-board A.I., "Calvin", was capable of performing environmental scans to identify and analyze threats, detect energy surges, provide encyclopediac information, etc. It also controlled his force field, minimal self-levitation, and other features.

After absorbing gamma radiation from Bruce Banner, Amadeus became capable of achieving his own Hulk form. In this state he seemingly possesses Class 100 strength as well as superhuman endurance, long-distance leaping ability, regenerative powers, and is nearly invulnerable to physical harm. Like previous Hulks, he gains increased strength and physical power from his rage. The gamma radiation heightens his natural personality and emotions, which in Amadeus's case means increased egotism, cockiness, and libido in either form, but especially as the Hulk. Typically, Amadeus and the Hulk share the same mind and personality between forms. However, a second aspect of Amadeus's mind exists, "his Hulk", which he metaphorically keeps locked up and under control.

Tuesday, March 8, 2022




Real Name: Eden Fesi
First Appearance: Secret Avengers (Vol. 1) #4, May 2009 (As Fesi); Avengers (Vol. 5) #1, February 2013 (As Manifold)

Powers: Manifold is a mutant and a universal shaper under the tutelage of Gateway. His power is essentially teleportation, allowing him to bend folds of space to connect distant locations with one another. This creates a shimmering portal of energy which people and objects can travel down to instantly move between points. Eden can mentally choose who and what travels with him, preventing undesirables from following him through the portal. Mystical beings can disrupt his control. He can also move people and objects without traveling with them. Eden's ability to pinpoint his jumps requires a conscious, but intuitive grasp of mathematics and fourth-dimensional space. Manifold uses binary code and mathematics for portal generation, but must have positional awareness and know where the endpoint is. His range seems virtually limitless, but is confined to his own universe/dimension.

By understanding the variables affecting his present location (distance above sea level, significant gravitational influences, etc), Eden compensates for those variables while mentally computing the distance to his destination. If he is knocked unconscious or otherwise moved without being able to maintain his positional awareness, Eden cannot accurately construct the spatial folds he needs in order to teleport. Eden is a combat-grade teleporter able to use his powers with increasing finesse and tactical deployment. He can move starships inside each other or cause projectiles or beam weapons to be redirected back in the direction they came. He can shape light around his body to become invisible, or open a portal directly into a star to summon forth devastating solar plasma. As a Manifold, his power also has a subliminal quality for moving things "where they need to go". Far more intuitive than the conscious application of his power, Eden can sidestep any and all limitations on his ability to reposition people and objects based on a mercurial or metaphysical "need" to move or reunite. The full ramifications of his powers being employed like this has never been explained.

A "manifold" like Eden is a multiversal constant seeded into realities by the Molecule Man as part of the Rabum Alal scheme he hatched with Doctor Doom to prevent the early death of the universe.

He is trained in hand-to-hand and firearm combat, and skilled at accurately throwing a spear. He meditates and has basic medical and excellent wilderness survival skills.

Monday, February 7, 2022




Real Name: Lactuca
First Appearance: Planet Size X-Men (Vol. 1) #1, June 2021

Powers: Lactuca is an omega-level mutant who physically appears as a robed figure resembling the night sky. He possesses a form of unlimited knowledge along with the mutant power to know the exact position of all people and objects in known space, and can trace changes in their position in real time to comprehend movement and trajectories. It is unknown whether his awareness applies solely to the universe or the entire omniverse.




Real Name: Xilo
First Appearance: Planet Size X-Men (Vol. 1) #1, June 2021

Powers: Xilo the First Defender is an omega-level mutant with large-sized earthworm characteristics. His mutant power is to disassemble into mutant earthworms, burrowing down into the soil. He is able to integrate with the soil, at which point he can sample the molecular and chemical content of the land, make small adjustments to its aspects such as pH levels and micro-organisms, or massive changes like carving enormous statues from mountainsides. Using his power to terraform the planet Mars, he supplied nutrients and minerals, created bacteria, and such for the planet to be able to support life. He also produced plant growth on Mars to support a breathable atmosphere.




Real Name: Sobunar
First Appearance: Planet Size X-Men (Vol. 1) #1, June 2021

Powers: Sobunar of the Depths is an omega-level mutant whose physical mutation grants him a the appearance of a bidpedal axolotl. He possesses amphibious characteristics and stands three times the average human height.

His mutant power is that his bloodstream contains an entire oceanic ecosystem. Instead of blood, his body fluid
is a complex mixture of 96.5% water, 2.5% salts, and smaller amounts of other substances, including dissolved inorganic and organic materials, particulates, and a few atmospheric gases. When his power is enhanced, his oxygenated blood can create oceans on planetary scales.

Saturday, February 5, 2022





Real Name: Isca
First Appearance: X-Men (Vol. 5) #12, September 2020

Isca the Unbeaten is an omega-level mutant born with a power described as an inability to lose. The mechanism for Isca’s power has not been defined, and it does not seem to directly or obviously affect her environment or her own body (i.e.: She does not adapt new traits or powers in reaction to threats, and she doesn't exert influence over her surroundings to actively change them to her advantage. She simply wins).

Her power is expressed through her physical prowess, including incredible agility, reaction time, accuracy, ambidexterity and more. If challenged, she can act with phenomenal precision and strike a target even while blindfolded. It also extends into her cognitive faculties, anything from guessing what number someone is thinking of to identifying weaknesses for advanced tactical analysis. It even allows her to forecast the future, compelling her to change sides in a war once her power ascertains that her current allies will be defeated. This indicates a limit to her abilities, for any given army will not win simply because she is associated with them. It's also unknown if she could choose to lose (remaining with the losing side, for instance), or if she has a biological compulsion to follow her power's influence.

Friday, January 28, 2022



Real Name: William Turner
First Appearance: The Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 1) #138, August 1974

Powers: William Turner was born a mutant with an enlarged head, piercing eyes, and a psychic vampirism. His mutant power drained psionic energy from thoughts and emotions of anyone within close proximity to him, gaining nourishment that invigorates him. Prolonged siphoning will cause death to his victim. William also possessed telepathy, allowing him to read minds, mentally draw people to him and command them, unleash waves of mental force, invade dreams, inflict brain damage, and erase memories. He had limited telekinesis and cold levitate his own body a few feet from the ground.




Real Name: Janice Yanizeski
First Appearance: The Amazing Scarlet Spider (Vol. 1) #2, October 1995

Powers: Originally a baseline human with no superhuman powers, Janice Yanizeski was surgically altered to become the superhuman mercenary known as Joystick. She possesses enahnced human strength, speed, agility, and reflexes. She wore a set of high-tech gauntlets which generated her "joystick" energy batons. Incredibly dense force constructs, these sticks can be used for hand-to-hand combat, channel energy discharges from their tips, or be thrown at a target as an explosive weapon. She can also slam two batons together in order to generate a blinding flash of light. Joystick wears specially-polarized lenses to protect her eyes from the flash.

At some point, Joystick underwent further enhancement when she began to work for the Grandmaster, by tapping into the Wellspring of Power and making her the "living embodiment of action". She is now stronger than before, can move and react at supersonic speeds, and now generates her baton energy naturally -- she can either charge regular baton weapons with power or materialize batons of pure energy at will. These batons can also be lengthened into a quarterstaff form.




Real Name: Alistaire Alphonso Smythe
First Appearance: The Amazing Spider-Man Annual (Vol. 1) #19, August 1985

Powers: A baseline human with no superhuman powers, Alistaire Smythe is the son of Spencer Smythe, inventor of the robotic Spider-Slayers which were designed to capture and unmask Spider-Man. Spencer grew obsessed with killing Spider-Man, leading to his desertion of his family and eventual death. Grief-stricken and increasingly unstable, Alistaire blamed Spider-Man for his father's death. He eventually gained employement from the Kingpin, using his resources to invent a new generation of Spider-Slayers.

A self-taught genius in robotics and cybernetics, his knowledge enables him to re-create and upgrade his father's inventions and develop many of his own (including over a dozen variations of the Spider-Slayer. After suffering a paralysis, he invented a super-powered carapace that restored his mobility. While encased in his cybernetic carapace, he possessed superhuman strength (Class 10), speed, durability, as well as claws, talons, limb barbs, extendable "fangs" from his shoulders, and web shooting arms.