Wednesday, August 17, 2022





Real Name: Vincent
First Appearance: The Uncanny X-Men (Vol. 1) #49, October 1968

Powers: Mesmero has the mutant power of ultra-hypnosis, a psionic ability enabling him use eye-to-eye contact to place other people into a highly-suggestible state where they are extremely open to influence from him. This enables him to control his victims through powerful mental commands that can compel specific actions or specific behavior patterns from them. He can tell people to fall asleep, to hand over their weapon, to remain where they are, etc, and the hypnotic suggestion will be too powerful to resist. His influence over behavior allows him to convince people to do anything he asks without questioning their own reasons for doing so. He can command people to remain his willing slaves, create false memories or personalities for them to act out, or convince them to suddenly feel a different way about a topic or person. Mesmero can also psionically trigger intense pain and anguish in people simply by wishing it, construct mental blocks preventing them from ever accessing certain memories or carrying out certain actions, and create lasting illusions in the minds of others that convince them that they or someone else looks quite different than they actually do.

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