Thursday, December 2, 2021




Real Name: Katherine Elizabeth Bishop
First Appearance: Young Avengers (Vol. 1) #1, February 2005 (As Kate Bishop); Young Avengers (Vol. 1) #12, Jume 2006 (As Hawkeye II)

Powers: Katherine "Kate" Bishop is a baseline human with no superhuman powers. However, she undertook an intensive physical fitness and self-defense training regimen while also studying archery, fencing, kickboxing, and various martial arts. While at Avengers Mansion, she modeled her costume and code-name after Hawkeye, "borrowing" the Swordsman's broadsword, Mockingbird's battle staves, and Hawkeye's bow and quiver of trick arrows.

Mockingbird's staves could link together into a quarterstaff or vaulting pole, the Swordsman's weapon could fire force blasts, electro-bolts, flames, a disintegration ray, or anesthetic gas, and Hawkeye carried a near endless supply of trick arrows. Captain America retook these weapons when he disbanded the group, but Kate apparently had replicas made when she began financing them. Whether these weapons had any special features is unknown, but after receiving Cap's approval, Kate was given a supply of trick arrows like Hawkeye would carry.

She has access to great wealth through her father (publishing magnate Derek Bishop) and is an excellent cellist.

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