Monday, May 30, 2022




Real Name: Amadeus Cho
First Appearance: Amazing Fantasy (Vol. 2) #15, November 2005 (As Amadeus Cho); Totally Awesome Hulk (Vol. 1) #1, December 2015 (As Hulk); Champions (Vol. 2) #22, July 2018 (As Brawn)

Powers: Amadeus Cho is a hypermind, possessing a reoccurring form of superhuman intelligence that manifests from time to time in humanity. His mind is capable of simultaneously performing infinite calculations, allowing him to observe and assimilate virtually all available data in his environment. This form of "light-speed mathematics" allows Amadeus to instantly compute highly complex equations for things like triangulation and trajectory. For instance, Amadeus was once inside a ship while the villain Artume stood out of sight on top of it, while Hercules and his allies charged at her. A quick glance out the window allowed Amadeus to plot Hercules' line-of-sight to Artume, letting him calculate exactly where to shoot upwards through the ship to hit the villain. He can also compute vectors for any projectile, letting him throw objects or otherwise set them into motion for a series of coordinated bounces and ricochets, like Cap's shield or Daredevil's club, and also enabling him to dodge bullets, shrapnel and other assaults by predicting their flight path.

For more advanced pattern recognition, Amadeus can also observe and catalogue behaviorisms and reactions in others, predicting how they will react in different situations to certain stimuli. This enables him to anticipate the actions of other people (he can do so to a substantially greater degree the more familiar he is with them), and even influence their behavior by knowingly introducing stimuli that he knows will guide them towards performing certain actions. Cho's intelligence has allowed him to absorb and store vast amounts of information in his young life, giving him encyclopediac knowledge on multiple subjects and skill sets.

The ultimate expression of Amadeus's hypermind, however, is his ability to read and measure the quantum probability acting upon the universe. By recognizing the outcomes of any given situation, Cho can choose from the potential quantum states available and engineer the outcome most favorable to him. Although quantum mechanics would technically define this as the observation and manipulation of reality, Amadeus cannot influence probability or events simply by willing it -- his hypermind only allows him to calculate the infinite of possible actions he could take at any given time, read the outcome of each of his actions, and then actually carry out the most favorable action in reality. For some reason, Amadeus Cho's hypermind is dependent on saturated fats and sugar to function. Excess calculation can drain his intelligence, giving him normal mental abilities until he manages to "recharge" by eating more junk food.

Amadeus was known for using different forms of technology to supplement his intelligence and activities. He carried a specially-modified GameBoy able to hack into virtually any nearby system, allowing him to monitor security systems, access encrypted information, or remotely seize control of various forms of computers or technology. He employed modified versions of BannerTech and LeaderTech teleportation and personal force field equipment. Amadeus also carried a version of Hercules's Adamantine mace capable of absorbing energy from attacks striking his force field and rechanneling the energy as blasts from the mace's head. For a time, Amadeus incorporated some of his technology into a Calvin Klein business suit. The on-board A.I., "Calvin", was capable of performing environmental scans to identify and analyze threats, detect energy surges, provide encyclopediac information, etc. It also controlled his force field, minimal self-levitation, and other features.

After absorbing gamma radiation from Bruce Banner, Amadeus became capable of achieving his own Hulk form. In this state he seemingly possesses Class 100 strength as well as superhuman endurance, long-distance leaping ability, regenerative powers, and is nearly invulnerable to physical harm. Like previous Hulks, he gains increased strength and physical power from his rage. The gamma radiation heightens his natural personality and emotions, which in Amadeus's case means increased egotism, cockiness, and libido in either form, but especially as the Hulk. Typically, Amadeus and the Hulk share the same mind and personality between forms. However, a second aspect of Amadeus's mind exists, "his Hulk", which he metaphorically keeps locked up and under control.